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Just reply to the sender.

For some people, work related were we share a common server then we CC each other so we all know what each other are talking about, but then that is work related, for personal emails I almost never cc!

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Depends on the context and the reason for the original email.


IF the original was related to decisions and my input was needed for all to help with the decision, then "reply all" gets the job done. In most cases, though, because the email was a "broadcast" to a group (say to family members who are spread across the globe) a "reply" to the originator is usually more appropriate.


I, too, use BCC fairly often, with the "to" address being my own, so that nobody but me can harvest the addresses and use them to spam others.

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snowdude is that the hi-tech system you farmers use to talk about vegetables?




I would do the cc sometimes, but it depends on the situation of course.


Lol, nothing to do with farming, during the winter months I do a lot of freelance work, where I need to correspond with more than one person about the same thing, so CC is handy.

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Is it just me, or are 80% of the people in the "people you may know" feature on facebook people that I do know, but I deliberately choose not to be friends with? :confused:

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Is it just me, or are 80% of the people in the "people you may know" feature on facebook people that I do know, but I deliberately choose not to be friends with? :confused:

Or friends of people I DO know, but who live in US, so not part of my circle of "casual acquaintances" even! I just ignore FB's attempts to get more personal details from me. Stuff 'em! They already know too much about me!

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Facebook? What's that? :wakaranai:

More importantly, if someone `friends' you here in SJ, how do you `friend' them back? (Assuming of course that you wish to do so)

You gotta be joaken! Facebook ... you don't know it?


As for the friending on here, I have NFI - might need to ask the admins? Oh, the friending still works, but the PMs don't What the?

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