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I am waiting for the jellyfish, kamemushi, Mrs Hashimoto's bunions and of course snow dude's awesome winter weather predictions.   My predictions It will snow in Hokkaido this winter!!

I love the summers here! Usually sunny and warm, but not particularly humid.   Last summer actually seemed wetter to me, but thinking back, it was just really bad luck that it always rained at the

Yep.....def more rain than usual....I predict that this means an über snowfall winter on the island of Winter wonderland, double bottomless on the island of Japan where people live the dream riding the white horse

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Sounds like we should be Book(ing) Now.

Obviously, for the season after next coz this season is all booked out.

But try anyway just in case even though it's all booked out but it's worth a try even though it's booked out.


Come September though we should be starting to consult with the jellyfish and kamemushi.

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I tell thee what! ive not loved Tianjin. In fact, ive kinda disliked it. Nothing really personal, its a big city (13 million people), and i hate cities generally. Give me mountains, countryside students and just a peaceful life any day.


But damn! This place is DESERT dry. Rainy season has come and gone and i reckon we've had about 10 days of rain. And even then its on and off (mainly off).


Ive thoroughly enjoyed skipping rainy season this year. Considering last year in Trat was pretty much every day monsoon (and thigh deep wading to school in flip flops), i reckon this is karmic payback. Thanks Karma wheel!

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Lots of rain in summer does not mean it will be a very snowy winter. The jet stream and weather patturns will decide that.

But if they do a repeat of last yeat then the west side pf mainland Japan will be in for a shite winter again where as the east and central areas will be more snowy than usual.


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Already snowing in Kamchatka and freezing level dropping by the day :)


You sure about that Mike? Looking at forecasts for the peninsula and it's still very mild with no snow forecast at all over the next couple of weeks. Maybe up on the higher peaks only.

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I managed to crack out a few k's on my bike this morning while the weather stayed cloudy but bright, with a cool breeze, was rather nice.

As I become less busy from now on my bike will be out a lot well that is if the weather complies with my cycling days.

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