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Being hungover and getting to work on time is like a badge of honour around my office. I can't for the life of me understand why someone would want to do that. Literally everyone is looking like a bag of shit today (myself included x 2). We should all just go home.

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I am always disappointed with entails and the like. Never has there been any good gossip or shenanigans, as far as I know.

All a bit too dull!


You mean enkais?!



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Some of those really are BAD though.

I can only think people drink them becaue they desperately need liquids.

It's hard to imagine that they actually like the taste.

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It does sound very omoshiroi.


I'm looking forward to having some fine ales back in England down by the canal on a fine summers evening. Not too long now.

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Its definitely there, I just ordered 12 bottles.......a little steep at 5400¥, but it sounds pretty good.



<p class="goods_name_img_" style="margin: 0px 0px 20px; padding: 0px; font-family: メイリオ, Meiryo, 'ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W3', 'Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro', Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, Chicago, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 22.100000381469727px; background-color: rgb(249, 248, 241);">




<p class="article-3 pc-shop" style="margin: 0px auto; padding: 0px; width: 730px;">

  • mitsubachi_mainvisual.png


  • mitsubachi_item_01.png


    • アルコール分: 5.5%
    • 原材料: 麦芽・ホップ
    • プリン体: 約12mg ※
    • サイズ: 333mlびん12本セット



    栄養成分 (100mlあたり)

    エネルギー たんぱく質 脂質 糖質 42kcal 0.5g 0g 2.5g 食物繊維 ナトリウム 備考 0~0.2g 0mg








銀座ブラウン 333ml 【12本入り】 (送料込)















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If you ever have the misfortune to be in Ise then check out this microbrewery. Pick of the crop was the Brown Ale and the IPA was pretty decent too. Ended up spending two nights in there predominantly on the Brown Ale. Apparently we had food too but couldn't tell you anything about that. Their website isn't working for me so this a third party one.



On a side note, is the Kumazawa brewery near Chigasaki worth a visit? It's only a 35 min walk from here but in the pissing rain not sure I can be arsed... Website says they do German beers, not my usual tipple.

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