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Here's a list of what you can class yourself as on Facebook apparently








•Cis Female

•Cis Male

•Cis Man

•Cis Woman

•Cisgender Female

•Cisgender Male

•Cisgender Man

•Cisgender Woman

•Female to Male


•Gender Fluid

•Gender Nonconforming

•Gender Questioning

•Gender Variant



•Male to Female









•Trans Female

•Trans* Female

•Trans Male

•Trans* Male

•Trans Man

•Trans* Man

•Trans Person

•Trans* Person

•Trans Woman

•Trans* Woman



•Transgender Female

•Transgender Male

•Transgender Man

•Transgender Person

•Transgender Woman



•Transsexual Female

•Transsexual Male

•Transsexual Man

•Transsexual Person

•Transsexual Woman



I don't know what tons of them are!


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No confusion - either Male or Female.


If you are unsure, pick one!


If you insist on being neither of these, there's a box and a hole for you to be in!

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No confusion - either Male or Female.


If you are unsure, pick one!


If you insist on being neither of these, there's a box and a hole for you to be in!



I don't see male on the list. What should I do? :confused:

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No confusion - either Male or Female.


If you are unsure, pick one!


If you insist on being neither of these, there's a box and a hole for you to be in!



I don't see male on the list. What should I do? :confused:

With help from Mr Google, and the Oxford Dictionary, I offer the following to help alleviate your suffering (you poor thing, you!)


cisgender: denoting or relating to a person whose self-identity conforms with the gender that corresponds to their biological sex


I have a problem with their use of the term "sex" at the end - as it is quite simple, really - gender is what you ARE, sex is what you DO (sometimes) :omg:

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What's an 'inter-sex man'?




Speaking to The Independent, Facebook’s policy director in the UK Simon Milner said: “It’s all about Facebook enabling people to be themselves, and making users feel comfortable in how they express themselves and how they talk about the issues that matter to them.”


Mr Milner said that the social network had worked with two UK organizations - Press For Change and Gendered Intelligence - to select the new options, and that additional terms added specifically for the UK market included intersex man, asexual, and hermaphrodite.

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