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Are you studying Japanese?

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Interesting to know if people are studying at the moment.

Mention whether you are living in Japan or not.

And what kind of studying - books on your own? some kind of couse?


I did when I first came here but recently not really done much at all.

Life in general seems to have caught up, though it would in turn be enhance if I could talk more.

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I should but I don't. My level is woefully low for how long I've been here.....I speak it everyday in work as the only gaij in school, very few other teachers speak English. I've gotten to a level where my crap Japanese can understand work related things and communicate it in an understandable jumble of Japanese :)

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My wife is actually a Japanese teacher so I get mini lessons all the time (whether I want them or not :) ). For how long I've been here I don't think that my level is good enough though. I need to sit down and start cracking a textbook I think. Where I'll find the time to study is a problem though.

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I should but I don't. My level is woefully low for how long I've been here.....I speak it everyday in work as the only gaij in school, very few other teachers speak English. I've gotten to a level where my crap Japanese can understand work related things and communicate it in an understandable jumble of Japanese :)


My situation is exactlty the same. I can usually get my point across but my grammar is horrible.


I've recently started studying but not sure how long the motivation will last with winter just aroud the corner.

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むかしむかしあるところ SNOWDUDE は 日本語をたくさん勉強しましたけれでも今はぜんぜんしてない!


今は漢字もあまりできないので所がない! でも日本語ちゃんと話せるよ!!!


For those who can't read my crappy Japanese, I said along time ago I studied Japanese a lot, but now I no longer do so, so I can't write kanji very well anymore.

Although I am able to speak good Japanese.

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Lots and lots of moaning removed :)


Learn Japanese if youve got **** ALL ELSE going for you and live in japan. Itll keep you in work to retirement :)

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My Japanese has become fossilized to a good extent because I haven't cracked a textbook book in years, and I don't write kanji anymore because everything is on a computer or Keitai. It sounds like many of us are in the same boat... I used to know much more back when I made a conscious effort to study, so now when I read articles in Japanese I know the meaning of the kanji but forget it's reading. The last few years I have had a group of students who like to randomly quiz my kanji ability and I quiz them on English vocabulary so that has been my motivation to at least read a little bit the last few years. Interacting with them has made me want to study more again, but I just can't be bothered to make an effort! only read a few articles in Japanese each day or so. I read for about 20-30 minutes at school. It's not much but I think it's better than nothing. That's my excuse :(


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