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I just don't like the direction OS X and Apple software has been heading on the computer front.

Very valid point. I feel that way too.

But that comes from people who has a considerable experience (time) using the machine and had to pay for it yourself.

I am more interested in the applied physics of the computer, and I don´t see such a big difference in the OS we are using other than the click or the keystrokes.

Back in ´98 I had no choice but to use Mac and Silicon graphics at the physics department, Windowas Nt and RedHat Linux at Maths dept, Unix at engineering ...and learn c+ and Java.

Difference in OS is not the problem It´s the program that runs on it is, meaning, there is no point in talking computers when you don´t have ab idea in what and how use will be using it.

The computer came with my education but I didn´t have to pay for it, just my time wasted on it. The disappointment will come when you have invested on a system and the direction of the OS or the software you have purchased is heading in the direction that you feel you have been ripped off - I don´t know how to describe it.

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Yeah that´s right. Not everyone can buy a new mac every 2 years. I did´t expect to do a OS major update twice in 5 years, and they apparently didn´t work well for some people who did it. I stuck to

The track pad is awesome. I haven't used a mouse at home in 3 years and when I use my pc at work I find it annoying and cumbersome. There are a lot of navigation controls built into the track pad with simple finger swipes.

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Does the price of Macs on the official store (or elsewhere) go down over time?

I think I read somewhere that the price pretty much stays the same, even in the days before a refresh of the line.

So people are essentially paying the premium prices from a year ago on something that is a year old only to be replaced and updated.

Is that true?

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Seems to be that way.


Come on Apple, blow your load with the updates please. Some of the "rumour sites" seem to have people saying there might be some kind of news tomorrow, though I will believe that when I see it. Would like it though!

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I had never used one of them at all but had a go on a friends iMac. Great idea, I can see it taking some getting used to.

Wonder are more Macs being sold these days with so many people now having other Apple products?

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I like the look of the Apple stuff I just keep on thinking is it really that different to Windows and worth the hassle of releasing a ton of stuff?


I'm not the kind who goes nuts over technology.

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Didn't find it much hassle when I moved across a few years back.

I got used to the new environment pretty quickly, and I'm not particularly tech-minded.

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I think it's just really wrong that the Apple site still calls the over-one-year-old-iMac, the "New iMac".

Which is how they have it now and presumably will until the day they switch over and refresh the line.

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I agree.


No doubt "the new iPad" will be the new ipad until the newer one gets released next spring.


I don't like that way of doing things, it doesn't quite sit right.

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On the iMac store page now there's a "get 10,000 yens worth of apps if you buy an iMac before 22nd May" offer.




But perhaps that is a sign that the updates are coming on 22nd May? he says grasping for straws

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