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The general 'Japan earthquake' topic

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Just when you can almost stick them to the back of your mind, a shakey one comes and brings it right back to the front.


M5.4 Tokyo, shindo 4.


Yep, certainly felt that one!! :omg:

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Muika, he is apparently going for 10 days. He is not the most communicative so all she knows is 10 days, 7 with a family in Shizuoka and 3 in Tokyo. He is not organized in the slightest, so I ran he

My instinct for big earthquakes pre-training   Stand around Shit my pants Phew   After Pick up son and grab wife Get earthquake kit Dive under table Shit my pants

That would indeed be a sickner

Don't think it was an aftershock from last year as there were 13 aftershocks after the initial quake hit today. It is a new quake all of its own I think, focused in Nagano prefecture Hokubo Area!

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A large percentage of quakes in the Tohoku region over the last year have been aftershocks of aftershocks of aftershocks (....of etc).

The earth doesn't give them names itself.

It seems likely that it is the same fault, just a little to the south west of the event on March 12th last year.

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Good question, to which I don't know the proper answer.


Something along the lines of "sparked off by another nearby event", or something? :lol:

I reckon it might be more technical than that.

But aftershocks are just..... earthquakes hey.


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The one yesterday does seem to be on the same fault line just slightly SW as was said before.

Earthquakes, aftershocjs - call them what you want, as bad as each other.

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Must be tomorrow doesn't look like there's one like that on tonight.


I see Sendai people will have been woken up by a shindo 5+ at 4am this morning. Doesn't seem to have been damage though, apart from to nerves.

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Lots of "news" today about the Nankai trough M9 quake-to-be killing an estimate 320,000 people.


And the distribution of that number seems severely weighted to Shizuoka...... :shifty:


It was nice knowing you fellas...

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