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A spring clean perhaps.


Decided to clean up my place. Haven't done so properly for 5+ years and there's going to be tons of junk that I don't need that has just accummulated. I'm actually looking forward to the day when this will be done but it's overwhelming at the start here seemingly impossible task. So I think it will need to be done bit by bit.


Oh well, got to get on with it. Hope to report a success in about 2 or 3 weeks.

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Originally Posted By: MintyNZ
lol, you sound like Mr Minty and I - we have a whole room dedicated to junk, and the rest of the house isn't that much better.

We're going to get a skip soon, yus
Sounds like a plan.
We have got a LOAD of crap to unload.
My house is looking awfully cluttered at the moment.
I need to go all minimalist and zen I think.
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Just done a bit and filled up 6 bags. Not a dent! I think I do need a skip. Or perhaps two.


Would be great if I could just dump it all but I feel the need to check everything just in case there's something that needs saving. But 99% was dumpable.

Some very natsukashii things those, some dating back to last century!!


I found my original Windows 95 disks. lol

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Well, we found the Nintendo game cube and it still works, so we've had some friends over and been playing that.


But today we finally did some stuff - and we still have half the day to go, yay! We actually only unpacked our ski bag today! (had both sets, jackets, pants, hats etc in it) I couldn't believe how dry everything was - nothing smelt musty, mold free, rust free. I'm stoked!


We're moving our bedroom into the study (and study into the bedroom) today because our fireplace in the bedroom will be removed soon and it's easier to cover up the computers than our bedroom mess. So far so good!

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does anyone know how to get a stall at one of the markets that go on at Yoyogi park in Tokyo? Got a bunch of crap great stuff that I don't use anymore that someone else could enjoy!

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Big cleanouts sometimes uncover some real treasures.


I remember once discovering some old games and a console as well as old photos that I could never work out where they were. There are things to look forward to. Unless what you uncover really is all garbage of course. doh

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ive moved a lot recently and what i have learnt is tha stuff like books are evil they take up space, have some value so are hard to just throw away, but will almost never be used again.


so, i have taken action to get rid of all my books and not buy new ones.


there are other evils apart from books, clothes especially. i found i tend to have, for example, 10 mediocre jackets and no great one. so i have decided to stop buying so often and instead buy higher quality stuff.


basically, less is more.

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I'm hoping to get the last of the bin bags filled up today and tomorrow. Probably enough for about 40 in total.


Then next weekend just cleaning up and sorting out what is left.



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Ganbatte, iiyamadude! Nearly there and you'll feel so much better when it's done.


When I did a huge clean like that, I was surprised at how much bigger my place seemed! Well, not bigger, but so much more space!


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We've been doing something similar. As we're moving back to Australia this week we've had to pack up everything we're taking back with us and clean/clear out everything else. Nearly all done. The moving company comes tomorrow to pick up all of our boxes. We're up to around 60 boxes so far. We're leaving most of the furniture and all the electrical stuff as we'll be renting the house out. It's up for sale as well but in the wake of the earthquake I don't think we'll be seeing any takers for awhile!! wink

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Yeah there's the packing and the big clean at this end then the unpacking and clean at the other end. Not looking forward to that! Not looking forward to living in Australia at all to be honest!! wink

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