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Most of the overseas news seems to be more focused on whats happening in Libya now so hopefully the articles about Japan from now on will be written with the facts and not based on some so called experts opinion.

Also wasn't there a large natural disaster in N.Z recently? Dont hear much about that on the international news any more.

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Mr Wiggles is absolutely right, very well put sir!


This is clearly way way bigger than Kobe or Christchurch.


And those startling images of the disaster are imprinted on peoples minds more than any natural disaster event in a long time.

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Originally Posted By: KRUSTY
Most of the overseas news seems to be more focused on whats happening in Libya now so hopefully the articles about Japan from now on will be written with the facts and not based on some so called experts opinion.

Nope. See my post above.
Japan still gets little bits each day.... all of them more alarming than the last.
Lots of people seem convinced that Japan is covering up something bigger still.

Originally Posted By: KRUSTY
Also wasn't there a large natural disaster in N.Z recently? Dont hear much about that on the international news any more.

There was but the scale and complexity of that disaster is massively different.
If you can't see that.... well...
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The articles posted from the western media are typical of the sensationalist scaremongering us people living near Fukushima have had to sift through in the last few weeks whilst we have being trying to make sensible judgements on what is actually going on, what the danger is and what we should do about it. Such articles have not been helpful to be honest.

There is talk about cover-ups and the like, but to be honest I've yet to see any actual evidence of this, and at least some evidence to the contrary. For example, we are being kept up-to-date with radiation readings in the air and in tapwater by the authorities - Greenpeace (who have an anti-nuclear agenda) have started their own measurements and their measurements are either the same as, or less than those published by the authorities. The guys working in the labs at my work have been taking their own measurements, which again, tally with those published.

If there is a massive leak of radiation, the authorities would not be able to cover it up here - there are too many independent scientists now able to detect it.

The main public health issues caused by Chernobyl were as a result of contaminated food and milk getting into the shops. The Japanese government has already banned the sale of certain vegetables and milk from the affected regions. Tepco will have to compensate the farmers.

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The IAEA was hedging their bets as concerns the plutonium, they said they were unsure if it came from the reactor (although in the same breath conceding that it probably did) or was present before. The said that plutonium particles in soil is fairly widespread nowadays due to the Nuclear Bomb Testing of the 50's, 60's and 70's! The geiger counter of Tokyo radiation was almost back at normal levels again, so thats good.....right??!! shifty smile

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Just my .02 and I hope I don't get torn apart for it...there seem to be some very strong opinions in this thread. I had booked a trip to Niseko for april 2-6 about a month ago. When the earthquake/tsunami happened I nearly cancelled, it didn't look possible to go. I'm sure many people did. At this point though, the situation in Japan looks much better to me and we are going. I feel that the foreign media (ESPECIALLY here in the US) does a lot of fear-mongering to attract attention. Does that mean I think everything's fine at Fukushima? Absolutely not. But I do feel safe continuing with my plan to visit Tokyo, Hokkaido, and Kyoto. I think that the best thing I can do to help is continue with my travel plans and write about the trip.

I'll be riding Niseko and if any snowjapan people are going to be there I'd love to take some runs!


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OK so here's the latest from the UK, today, top of the 'news' in some hugely selling newspapers:


Radiation from the Fukushima leak has been detected across Britain, it was confirmed today as Japan was put on 'maximum' alert.


The Health Protection Agency revealed that radioactive iodine had already been discovered 5,500 miles from the stricken plant in Oxfordshire and Glasgow.


Air samples are being tested elsewhere in Britain over fears that much of the country could be hit by the radioactive plume.




wont someone think of the children - for god sake the children!!!


And are the levels of radioactivity found in Glasgow safe? Why are we not being told??


I'm a nuclear scientist, worked in the UK nuclear industry. I've read that the japanese keep detecting pulses of neutrons. That means that one of their used fuel stores keeps going critical, and turning into an uncontained, uncontrolled nuclear reactor. Like having a 3-times larger than usual reactor in an open, boiling swimming pool. They said it might. And if the japs say something is a possibility, you can bet that its a certainty, or has already occurred. This is no chernobyl. Its 4 chernobyls combined with very bad sellafield accident, in a densely populated country with wrecked infrastructure.


Why hasn't the UK government been proactive adn banned Japanese food imports when amongst others, Australia, US, Canada and Singapore have banned such imports?


Nature destroys man then man destroys nature


This is bad. very bad, the reason you are not being told, is that they do not want you to know, just the same as the japanese government still not telling the truth to its citizens.


How many more times are people going to tell us how well the Japanese nuclear workers are doing in this crisis? My question is knowing how many quakes go off in the country CONSTANTLY, why did they plonk the plants there? This was literally an accident waiting to happen. Nuclear power is NOT safe - and I am not a Greenpeace activist!!


I don't want myself or anyone I care about to be threatened by radiation. We had to put up with Chernobyl. Sick of the sob stories about Japan - the population were happy to use nuclear power.Tell the truth and let us know how to protect ourselves ELSEWHERE and not the patronising advice cobbled together thank you.


Just to show that it is not in any way 'disappearing' from the media.

Point demonstrated sufficiently now I think. friend

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I heard people in California had started buying up stocks of potassium iodide tablets.

Based on that logic, residents of the US west coast might also want to avoid bathing in the sea there cos last summer, I pissed in the sea at Enoshima.

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Originally Posted By: BagOfCrisps
UK, main media news. We just get short blasts now but it just seems to get worse and worse unfortunately. On about plutonium today and things getting 'more difficult' rather than easier and raditation from Fukushima spotted in Europe.

Just saying what's on the news just now that UK people are listening to, so don't jump down my throat.

Who really cares what's being reported in the UK? I know I don't. And I know the UK skiing market to Japan is so damed small that it won't matter one little bit if every pom stayed on their little island next winter. razz
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Originally Posted By: Go Native
Originally Posted By: BagOfCrisps
UK, main media news. We just get short blasts now but it just seems to get worse and worse unfortunately. On about plutonium today and things getting 'more difficult' rather than easier and raditation from Fukushima spotted in Europe.

Just saying what's on the news just now that UK people are listening to, so don't jump down my throat.

Who really cares what's being reported in the UK? I know I don't. And I know the UK skiing market to Japan is so damed small that it won't matter one little bit if every pom stayed on their little island next winter. razz

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Originally Posted By: Go Native
Originally Posted By: BagOfCrisps
UK, main media news. We just get short blasts now but it just seems to get worse and worse unfortunately. On about plutonium today and things getting 'more difficult' rather than easier and raditation from Fukushima spotted in Europe.

Just saying what's on the news just now that UK people are listening to, so don't jump down my throat.

Who really cares what's being reported in the UK? I know I don't. And I know the UK skiing market to Japan is so damed small that it won't matter one little bit if every pom stayed on their little island next winter. razz

It would matter to me if I had to spend another winter on my peninsula sadface
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Originally Posted By: Go Native
Originally Posted By: BagOfCrisps
UK, main media news. We just get short blasts now but it just seems to get worse and worse unfortunately. On about plutonium today and things getting 'more difficult' rather than easier and raditation from Fukushima spotted in Europe.

Just saying what's on the news just now that UK people are listening to, so don't jump down my throat.

Who really cares what's being reported in the UK? I know I don't. And I know the UK skiing market to Japan is so damed small that it won't matter one little bit if every pom stayed on their little island next winter. razz

Alternatively, who gives a shite what you think? I very much doubt many. In fact, I doubt any.

But apart from that... substitute 'UK' with 'USA', 'Australia' and just about any other country name in the world.
It will be a similar story, they're all saying the same.

Anyway, as it doesn't affect you personally, why do you give a shit?
You never seem to give a shit about anything that doesn't affect you personally, you charming(less) man, so why start now.
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Originally Posted By: TJ OZ
Originally Posted By: Go Native
Originally Posted By: BagOfCrisps
UK, main media news. We just get short blasts now but it just seems to get worse and worse unfortunately. On about plutonium today and things getting 'more difficult' rather than easier and raditation from Fukushima spotted in Europe.

Just saying what's on the news just now that UK people are listening to, so don't jump down my throat.

Who really cares what's being reported in the UK? I know I don't. And I know the UK skiing market to Japan is so damed small that it won't matter one little bit if every pom stayed on their little island next winter. razz


I was considering staying at your place.
I won't now... will inform friends too.
Bad move that smiley just cost you a chunk of change.

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What! you were considering going to the snow? Do you not know about what is happening? How could you possible justify skiing in a disaster zone. Do you not read the papers?

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Originally Posted By: Go Native
Originally Posted By: BagOfCrisps
UK, main media news. We just get short blasts now but it just seems to get worse and worse unfortunately. On about plutonium today and things getting 'more difficult' rather than easier and raditation from Fukushima spotted in Europe.

Just saying what's on the news just now that UK people are listening to, so don't jump down my throat.

Who really cares what's being reported in the UK? I know I don't. And I know the UK skiing market to Japan is so damed small that it won't matter one little bit if every pom stayed on their little island next winter. razz

Sometimes I don't if you are trolling or being ignorant. razz

It's not just the uk news, it's on the news around the world, read the US papers, the Australian news, and the Chinese newspapers. They are telling people to stay away. But of course, you probably don't care about them either.

And there are probably potenial clients on here that are looking at accomodation for next season, and being put off by attitudes in this thread.
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^ Dunno about other places or other media, but I certainly haven't read any of that sensationalist trash about radiation reaching our shores here in Perth.


Fair few human interest stories...lot of focus on the hard knock that Japan has taken and the good humility that the people suffer it with...coupled with a little tinge of concern for a repeat event if people travel.


Yes I think tourism will suffer - at least in the short term.

But just because it is war torn, didn't stop my best friends aging Dad from booking a vacation to Libya... there is always someone prepared to risk a little for the rewards they seek.

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Bags was showing how the foreign media is still hammering on with this story and in a way that is still over hyping the nuclear prob.


Personally I think the fallout in Glasgow is so bad that the only way to deal with it is to Nuke the whole city.....cut it out of Scotland and kick it into the Atlantic Ocean.....it would break my heart to do it to that place razz

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Originally Posted By: snowboard
Originally Posted By: TJ OZ
Originally Posted By: Go Native
UK, main media news. We just get short blasts now but it just seems to get worse and worse unfortunately. On about plutonium today and things getting 'more difficult' rather than easier and raditation from Fukushima spotted in Europe.

Just saying what's on the news just now that UK people are listening to, so don't jump down my throat.

Who really cares what's being reported in the UK? I know I don't. And I know the UK skiing market to Japan is so damed small that it won't matter one little bit if every pom stayed on their little island next winter. razz


I was considering staying at your place.
I won't now... will inform friends too.
Bad move that smiley just cost you a chunk of change.


razz = Joking, stirring the pot, taking the piss, mucking about.
lol = Laughing at joke
I gotta say snowboard that you are the type of person who I actually do not want to have stay. Please let all your friends know to not stay with me also because if they are your friends then they are probably not too much fun either. Our guests like to have a good time in a positive environment and maybe share a joke at the bar. Thats the type of people I like to mix with and who I like staying with us. Anyone too sensitive should look at other hotel options. Maybe self contained so they don't have to mix at all.

That's the second quote in this thread about me and money. I chose this life because I love the snow. If money was my priority then I would have stayed back in Oz in my old business, made lots of dollars and had ski holidays each year.
I chose to live life a little and the experience has been fantastic. I think there are a few people around here that need to reassess where they are at.

Bring on the negativity. I am sure I have fueled up the fire there.
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There is a fair bit of negativity on this thread with most of it coming from people who aren't even in Japan and cut and pasting the negative articles they find in the tabloids. What there arent any positive articles you could post or maybe they just dont interest you?

The people who are here like Go Native and TJ OZ and who post their opinions of what its currently like in the ski towns or what they think next season could be like and people dont agree with what they are saying because of what they have heard through the media.

Sure Go Native and TJ work in the industry and their views may be seen to be only trying to protect their interests but from what I have seen the last couple of weekends out in Hakuba is that things are basically as normal apart from it being very quiet as far as visitor numbers are concerned and its probably no different to how Go Native described Hokkaido.

Nothing wrong with having opinions wether negative or positive but continually posting negative crap with equally negative articles to try to justify your opinion is getting pretty boring.

Good on the people with the positive attitudes/posts as their posts are the only interesting ones to read.

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I think part of the problem is the vast difference between how Japan and the problems here are being portrayed in the western media and how things actually are as experienced by the people living here.

The majority of the articles I have read from news sources outside of Japan have focused almost exclusively on speculation about worst case scenarios. Even usually reputable sources such as the BBC have been guilty of this, The Guardian, more so and moving over to US news sources it starts to get ridiculous. There has been a lot of good progress at the NPP over the last week or so - electricity has been restored, there have been no more explosions or fires, the process of cooling the reactors continues, and as they have been switched off, the longer this continues, the closer they get to fully controlling the situation. Of course, there have been some setbacks too - highly radioactive water has flooded parts of the plant, but again, this is something that can be dealt with. Personally, I think there will be some more twists and turns yet, but that they will get this under control - I would not have been able to say that a week and a half ago.

In the meantime, us living in Japan are doing the best to get on with our lives as best we can.

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Not really sure what you are trying to prove BoC. Will less people come to Japan for the next year or two because of what's happening? Yes, lots less. Are you trying to provide justification as to why they won't come? It's not really needed. We all get it. Those of us who actually live in Japan can only let people know what it's like to be here now. In the little part of Japan I live in people are still going to work, going to school, going skiing, the shops are all open, there's no issues with transport, there's been no disruption to power. In other words no different to usual. And in other words if you're thinking of coming here in the near future there's little if anything to worry about.

Anyway my family is off to Osaka and Kyoto in a couple of weeks time for a holiday. Will let people know what it's like down that way when I get there. Hopefully there's more than just a big slag heap of radioactive rubble! wink

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Oh give over with the talk of 'negative' you big blouses.

Just because you don't want something talked about doesn't meant that it is 'negative'.


I can understand the stresses right now what with some of your business or your friends businesses possibly going into freefall, I really can. But quit all the bullshit, please.


Definition of "positive" = marketing bullshit and the message as you want it to be


Definition of "negative" = off message, something I don't want to have being discusssed.



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Originally Posted By: TJ OZ
I gotta say snowboard that you are the type of person who I actually do not want to have stay. Please let all your friends know to not stay with me also

Will do.
Our 12 nights / 6 people will go somewhere else.

[it's more a buildup of things than just that one comment btw, you don't do yourself any favors]
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