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Earthquake/tsunami in Tohoku, North East Japan (11th March 2011)

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More please!   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HrO2H4Sraw   You'd think they might put in some of the overly loud throat noises and he would do a big "ahhhhhhhhhh" at the end. Come on, where's th

I've read a report ages ago that had said Plutonium had been detected in low quantities outsid ethe plant but that scientists couldn't be sure it was actually from the plant itself as the Chernobyl accident and the Nuclear bomb tests of the 50's-70's blew Plutonium around the globe and is detectable at similarly low quantities

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Whats all this about "high" radiation levels found.... in my town! :grandpa:










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Oh dear....


Japan's disaster minister says sorry after calling tsunami victims who failed to flee 'idiots'


Japan's disaster minister has come under fire for calling tsunami victims "idiots" for not moving fast enough to safety during the March 11 disaster.


Tatsuo Hirano, the minister in charge of disaster management, made his controversial comment during a meeting with politicians from the Democratic Party of Japan in the town of Nihonmatsu in northeastern Fukushima prefecture.


According to reports by Fuju TV, Mr Hirano told the gathering: "There were those who moved to safety and thought 'we'll be safe here'. Then there were idiots like my old classmate who didn't take shelter. He's dead now."


His comments were likely to have caused embarrassment to the prime minister and the ruling party as he was promoted to his current position after his predecessor was forced to resign only three months ago over making offensive comments.



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No I didn't M-I-J, I just cut & pasted from a blog that was forwarded to me.

The original pics and text came from Kyodo News. I did put a credit in for them but it seems to have got lost in the paste..

The pics just blew me away and reinforced my opinions of the Japanese people's industry & resilience

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I just watched some footage of the tsunami for the first time since seeing it on the news in Japan. Instantly I was reminded how incredibly powerful nature can be. We can build walls, dams, levees, etc. But above all, nature rules.


I still have a hard time believing anything that bad can happen to a country like Japan. I guess it goes to show there is no universal fairness. The Japanese people have done such an amazing job at bonding together and cleaning up some of the more devastated areas which, in itself, is a testament to the good reputation of the culture that I constantly preach about to others. I hope that there is some way we can learn, appreciate, or even just recognize so that all the people hadn't died in vain. I'd like to make a trip down there to do something to off-balance the horror these people had to ensue. Maybe an event for a free lunch at a park or something...just something to help out.


Thanks for the pics snowjunky, they were remarkable!

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mmmmmm, yummy......


Yasuhiro Sonoda, a Japanese MP and parliamentary spokesman for the cabinet office, drank water not normally intended for human consumption after it was scooped up from gathered pools inside Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.

The politician was visibly nervous as he gulped the water from a glass with shaking hands in a televised press conference in a bid to highlight government confidence in the efficiency of its decontamination procedures.

Collected from beneath two reactor buildings at the plant, the water is decontaminated before being used for tasks such as watering plants, a controversial procedure which has been the subject of safety concerns in the media.

Before drinking the water, Mr Sonoda read out a string of figures relating to its low contamination levels and explained he was drinking in response to journalists repeatedly asking him to “prove” the safety of the plant’s surrounding area.

Speaking at the headquarter offices of Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO), operators of the plant, he added: “Just drinking (decontaminated water) doesn’t mean safety has been confirmed, I know that. Presenting data to the public is the best way.”

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