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Earthquake/tsunami in Tohoku, North East Japan (11th March 2011)

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Originally Posted By: grungy-gonads
I usually find choosing the one with the most attractive lady presenters to be a good way to go.

Thanks GG on a day where a country I love is devastated and my personal life has been turned upside down - I laughed out loud. Great post! Hope no one thinks that is inappropriate.
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More please!   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HrO2H4Sraw   You'd think they might put in some of the overly loud throat noises and he would do a big "ahhhhhhhhhh" at the end. Come on, where's th

Care of Wiki:


...'An increase in radiation levels has been confirmed following the explosion.[39][40] "Fukushima Prefecture says a radiation level of 1,015 mircrosieverts [sic] per hour has been measured near the Fukushima Number 1 nuclear power station. One hour of exposure to this amount of radiation is equivalent to the permissible amount of radiation an ordinary person receives in one year"[41][42]


At 19:07 JST (10:07 GMT) Reuters reported that the exclusion zone has been extended to 20 kilometres (12 mi) around the plant.[43] BBC correspondent Nick Ravenscroft was stopped 60 kilometres (37 mi) from the plant by police.[44]


At present officials do not believe that a Chernobyl-style disaster would occur, citing the differences between the lead up to the events at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant, and speculated that any nuclear material released during the incident would be confined to the grounds in and around the power plant.'


I'd say the core has been breeched - Caesium 137 is a by-product of fission and the hydrogen was from the (exposed to liquid) rods. The exclusion zone was 5km, then 10km, now it's 20km!


When they start innoculating people with Iodine, etc you'll know it's all 'a bit of a worry'!


Nice to know that all that crap will be washed into to sea, as I suspect too will be much of the truth by the time the politicians finish with it.


Good luch and best wishes to all involved.

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Originally Posted By: Slippery Jim
Was that supposed to be a joke?
I thought it was serious and was about to +1

Not a joke. For real.
But you are free to chuckle and laugh.
After all, who doesn't like some evilgrin
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Others say it could be an epic explosion due to the sheer volume of nuclear fuel. If one explodes it could ignite the other units.


Also a town of 10,000 can't be contacted..

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Haven't felt anything here for a few hours now and it has only been small jolts since this afternoon. So hopefully safe for me to get into bed again. This mornings very rude and violent awakening makes me very wary.

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Originally Posted By: Chriselle
10's of thousands?? I hope I'm way off.

That town is on tv now. Well What is left of it, and it's about 1 building with perhaps 15survivors on top.

15 out of 10,000people.
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Originally Posted By: RobBright
Originally Posted By: Chriselle
10's of thousands?? I hope I'm way off.

That town is on tv now. Well What is left of it, and it's about 1 building with perhaps 15survivors on top.

15 out of 10,000people.

Actually it is a town that had a population of 17500ish and 10,000 are missing. So about 7000 or so are accounted for plus the few on the remains of the apartment building.
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(Reuters) - A quake-hit Japanese nuclear plant reeling from an explosion at one of its reactors has also lost its emergency cooling system at another reactor, Japan's nuclear power safety agency said on Sunday.

The emergency cooling system is no longer functioning at the No.3 reactor at Tokyo Electric Power Co's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power facility, requiring the facility to urgently secure a means to supply water to the reactor, an official of the Japan Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency told a news conference.
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Not sure if it is earthquake related or not but an Avalanche sometime on Friday in Hakuba claimed 1 life and 2 are missing. Reports are that they are local guides.

More sad news.

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After just 2 hours Friday/Saturday night, seems I was tired enough to sleep through until 10:30 this morning!


No earthquakes that I felt.


Still wobbly down in the Tokyo region?

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