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just wondering... (i have nothing to do while captain stag is at work and adobe premiere is giving me grief so i can't make the dvd for my students i promised them for graduation mad.gif )i get a bit tired of immature comments and stuff on newschoolers (newschool skiing site) about girls being inferior skiers...


generally, i think girls aren't as aggressive or as fearless as guys, but we aren't that bad, are we? what are your comments and thoughts? admittedly, my goal is not to ski "like a girl" and be more like the guys, but that's because i want to learn to ski harder, faster, and keep up better with all the guys i ski with. has anyone seen ingrid backstrom ski? she skis like a guy, and boy, has she got some strong and solid legs! i figure i'll never be a sarah burke because i suck when it comes to tables and stuff (which won't stop me from trying though lol.gif ), but i can definately aspire to ski like ingrid... only without the huge cliff drops and backflips off them!


no doubt i'll get some dumbass comments (that's always a given) but some serious thoughts would be nice \:D

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the main things that i've noticed, primarily from my gf and sister but other people too:


a) girls tend to enjoy skiing more for skiing rather than to have got down a certain run

B) speed is often more enticing than steeps

c) generally a bit more timid/less stupid than guys (as you mentioned)

d) tend to underestimate their ability a bit more (related to c)

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e)girls tend to shout out loud like 'kyaaaa! doite doite!! (=please move, i have no control!)' while they are newbies and can't stop or can't turn. Boys just fall down.

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Some of the girls I know are seriously excellent skiers. They put me in the shade, I'm learning from a lady actually.


You know what I love, seeing cute girls on fun skis without poles going down the hill.

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In my experience after teaching for 10 years girls generally are more timid and afraid to fall when they are learning. This can slow progress for sure. But you might chaulk the fear up to girls being smarter!


But that said any time you generalize your are typically wrong. Last year I skied with two different gals that could ski me, and most of the male skiiers I know under the table.


The first one Wendy Brooksbank (now Fisher) has been hucking big air on Warren Miller films for more than 15 years and still skis like a machine. Just try and keep up.


The second Jen Aston is a tour freeskiing competitor based in Whitler BC and is an amazing skier. She told us a story about how she hucked a cliff called the waterfall up Whistler and over rotated a backflip and slammed her head super hard. She had a viscous nose bleed but skied out the day. Turns out she had a fractured skull - so don't let anyone tell you girls are all timd skiers. Some, excuse the expression, have huge balls.


And, of course, Jen skied the very next day with a fractured skull.

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I've seen lots of girls that ski with serious style, and it seems that a disporportianate number are giving telemarking a go, and are doing a pretty sweet job of it, too.


I agree with sava, too -- there are a bunch of girls that are way better skiers than they think, and have a really good time skiin' smooth lines.


And there's little sexier than a girl that carves smooth lines... \:D

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Shimba, Phat Luv told me same thing on the lift at Happo. She doesn't like someone says elegant. Her goal is skiing like Fattwins. ;\)

Myself, I have no time to think about how I look like when I'm skiing, I just want to get better and better and better! But usually, you ski like someone you ski with. So, I used to ski like my exboyfriend when I was learning from him, kind of racer style.

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I think judging girls as the same as guys for sports, in general, is like apples and oranges.


If you have seen some of the pro women skiers, there are some rippin, rippin @ss skiers out there. Girls throwing switch 7s, first decents up in AK, and eat powder as well as any bloke; light years better than me anyways \:\(


I dont think girls are bad at all; yall should see Fattwins wife rip it up in the BC too. Shes a damn good skier! On the slopes, sunrise and slow are really good skiers too. I just dont think the sheer numbers of "great" women skiers is that high, at least not compared with men.


Maybe that point comes back to women being not as aggressive and fearless as men are. As for men trashing women as bad skiers, theyre probably insecure little pricks and not worth having a good conversation with anyways :rolleyes: Sounds like those guys have issues...


Id love to find a GF whos a rippin skier/boarder/tellemarker \:D

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I agree, anyone who says women skier/boarders are inferior really does have no idea! I've boarded with plenty of girls that have just blown me away, so fast and heaps of style!


I've taught my girl to board this season. It's amazing how far she's come in just a few months. She's come from pulling the "kowai kowai!" just skating around on her first day to charging the powder in the trees with me last Sunday. She's got the full "Gambatteru" attitude, which has hepled but she's definitely progressed faster than most guys!

I'm so stoked pulling up after a wicked line to look back and see her charging down with a big grin on her face!

clap.gif clap.gif

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My wife is pretty good. Shimbas vids show alot of improvment over her 3 years in Japan. I think my wife would love to ski with shimba. Girls just need to find their groove. who cares if you cant blast down the mountain? Keep trying and dont ever give up. I love sking with my wife it is a dream come true to find a partner that want to share everything with you and you dont or she/he doesnt hold you back. sweet as


Shimba get freerides trust me

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freerides? sorry to be a dummy, i've just been to the gym so my brain cells aren't working...


thanks for noticing i improved... in my first season in japan, i skied more days than i had in my entire skiing career - which started not long after capt stag came on the scene... so i was pretty happy. keep striving to get better i reckon!

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Unlike baseball, which is generally a guy sport, and where a guy can "throw like a girl", and some girls can throw very well, I see skiing and snowboarding as a genderless sport where the only difference is skill level. I know some timid guys and girls on the slopes, and I know some guys and girls who rock.


I've been on the slopes with you Siem, you are very good as far as I'm concerned...


p.s...spent all last week in Hokkaido boarding...if I had could only choose one word to describe it, I'd have to choose "epic"...already saving my $$$ to go back next year...

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where did you go in hokkaido, ray?


cheeseman:)... i bet it's all the cheese... i've been eating some of the real stuff lately, none of this funny processed stuff they call cheese here! can't wait till i get home and cheese is as cheap as chips!

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Mrs Telleboy rips, I told her when we got married to either learn to keep up or be left behind, I think this was good motivation for her. I would have never left her behind (dont tell her that) but she needed a bit of a shove now its great to follow her thru the trees or powder for a change, I love watchin that @ss move! clap.gif

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