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Is there any kind of regulation/laws regarding safety bars on ski lifts (here or overseas)?


Seems to me that some lifts that could really do with them don't have them, and the ones that go over a flat area do!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bahaha, ok a gaijan in Noz explained the twins without bars very well to me, by throwing himself off the chair in the dining room and yelling "OMG watch out for those chairs without safety bars! Don't want to fall off!"


If you're a bit worried just hook your arm around the side, and if it's REALLY windy just avoid them if you're still nervous.

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  • 2 months later...

What about getting off the Ropeway at Shiga Kogen & then sitting on half a teatray while carrying your gear, hoping not to drop anything or fall on the road crossing!! What a contrast bestsnow

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I rarely use the bar myself, tho there have been times riding the Shin Yu lift at Nozawa with a backpack full of gear and my skis across my lap that I sort of wished...

No objection if others want it down, just damn well say something first!

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Shin Yu is the lift that carries you up to several lodges and the ski museum at Nozawa.

It just goes right up the creek bed, above large, sharp-edged rocks; there's a net in places. It's a very old center-pole double with narrow seats, no backrest -- pretty intimidating the first time you ride it up, scary as hell anytime you ride it down.

And yes, BSiH, it almost certainly dates back to at least the 70s because it looked ancient when I first rode it back in the mid-80s. lol

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