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The new "koko ga hen da yo nihonjin"!

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Anyone remember Beat Takeshi's program "Koko ga hen da yo nihonjin"? Tons of boisterous gaijin 'discussing' culture and only emphasising differences and stereotypes rather than anything else.


Well it seems Takeshi has a new programme - it's on now - called "Sekkai Summit". Theme is "Is it ok to have children outside marriage" and taking France as an example where, outrageously, lots of kids are born out of marriage.


It's getting heated. Reminding me very much of the previous one.


Is this a regular programme?

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I saw it but I thought that discussion was a bit rubbish. French folks do have more kids now but it is dim to attribute it all to people having kids outside marriage. In fairness, it appeared to be a French woman who made the original point. I reckon the welfare system in France, shorter working hours, and overall higher standard of living have much more to do with it. I would also guess that after separation in France, mothers have more success at getting support from absent fathers than Japanese mothers do.


There was actually another show on at the same time with another panel of gaijin. It must be flavour of the month. The pretext of that one was some ojiisan explaining his version the news in simple terms to them as a proxy for the Japanese folks watching at home. The panel gets the odd soundbite in, but its mostly just the ojiisan prattling away. They did a segment on tourism to Japan, but it just showed the presenter going to Macau. It all seemed rather pointless.

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It all seemed rather pointless.

Is one surprised, Wiggles-san? wink

These programmes might start of (might) enlightening Japanese about foreign opinions on stuff, but end up just being like a shouting freak show and simply making the stereotypes stronger.

That dumb 'doctor' talent woman ended the programme with the old classic "nihonjin to shite umarete yokatta" (I'm glad I was born Japanese) put-down/comment.
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I think it's a special that they do every so often.


Those things are embarrasing messes more than anything, quickly ending up with people shouting and throwing each others stereotypes around.


What % of Japanese marriages are quickly arranged after they find out they are pregnant? I would guess a fair few.

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