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So, I had a little accident and busted up my board a bit while I was in Niseko. Basically, I banged into a tree with the back of my board and part of the top sheet started coming off. It's a rectangluar piece about 7-8cms long that is just kind of sticking up on from the rest of the board (I'll put a picture up later). It's obviously just a cosmetic thing but instead of just cutting off the offending piece of top sheet I'd like to stick it back down. Should I just get a pair of clamps and some glue to stick it back down? What kind of glue would be appropriate?


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I think it's epoxy glue. It came with the cheap snowboard repair kit, I bought it for the clamp. I was too generous with the glue and the flat piece of the clamp got stuck to the front of my board and wouldn't come off until after some vigorous riding. There's a piece of metal somewhere on Yamabiko at Nozawa Onsen. razz

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Any quality two part clear epoxy from Cainz or Handy will do the job. I use several different epoxies everyday in my work and the one hour open time variety gives the best results.

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