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I get it that young men/boys like the lowrider look ... fashion trends come and go - who am I to judge. My 16 yr old is just as bad.


I just dont understand how they can STAND IT in snow gear. I mean FFS the gear is supposed to keep you warm and insulated. I have encountered snow down the back of my pants and up the back of my jacket in a few epic stacks - but with lowrider snow pants you would get that nastyness ALL the time! slap

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My pants are like that. With many types of pants you get 3 options- tight fit, sig and team fit. Its not all about looks but I like alot of movement and I can promise you the big fits are alot more comfortable, for me anyway. I dont like how it sags at your bum but its only way to get baggy legs. Dont judge without trying!

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I guess you have never seen the trend the low riders? Even with jeans. It kind of does look stupid, it looks like they have taken a crap in their pants. Lol but my pants are fantastic and I will buy that size again

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I bought my 16 yr old some boxer shorts with the words "Don't Judge Me" across the back - because they are BOUND to be on show! They were a product put out by the band LMFAO - who also have their pants ridiculously low.


And this would be them....



Looks so silly!

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Picklehead, the "new fashion"? I assume that you are new to the slopes?




i've been wearing my pants low since for about 16 years now, but there is a fine line when 'comfort' becomes 'waddling like a duck to keep your pants from falling off'.


I saw some guy like that yesterday, riding low, with a high-cut jacket and no powder skirt. Hope he kept to the groomers.


The new fashion trend with no grounding in reality (9-6 years ago-chalk bags, 3-2 years ago-condom toques) is the 'layering' look

where you sag your XXXL basketball jersey or whatever underneath your jacket, because apparently having a brick of snow hanging around your ass is 'gangsta'.

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Originally Posted By: Oyuki kigan
Picklehead, the "new fashion"? I assume that you are new to the slopes?

Nope, been riding for quite the number of years. I tend not to normally be checking out blokes kecks though!

I have noticed low before, but not that low before. It was bordering on ridiculous and after I noticed that I didn't see any others that extreme out there.
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Fashion is just a way for the clothing people to make more money - the changes are determined by the designers, not the people who wear them.


Fashion victims are always playing catch-up, trying to keep up with the changes mandated by the "gurus". Me, I'm happy to be comfortable. If that means I mean "out of fashion" then I am all the more comfortable.

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I wear mine snowboard pants baggy cos I am all padded up.

The only annoying thing is I step on my pants when I'm walking.


Funny this pants business. In the 70's I'm wearing Bell Bottoms, pants are tight and up ya crotch and I even heard propaganda "Jeans were created that way by USSR to keep the American men's semen count low" lol

People pulling their pants up then. Now my missus is always pulling my pants down. Maybe we all wear Kilts.

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