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26 inch here. An LG one. My first flattie and it was the best looking one in the shop. You can get them for 26,000 now. Apple's are very nice, but too expensive.


I'll have to get a bluray player for my PC. A quick look says you can get one for 5000. Might need a viddy card too.

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I have an LG as well. Huge.


LG W2753V-PF




Can get it for under 35000 yen. I was a bit shocked when it first came, it's so big. But you do get used to it. Make sure you have the grunt to provide the juice to it.



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As I said in other threads. I use a 40 inch monitor for the primary and a 19 inch for the secondary (dual monitors) if I want to play on the PS3 I just change the input from VGA to HDMI

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When displays get that big, doesn't the quality fall off? And is the light distributed evenly even in the corners, even on less than cost a leg models? Silly question perhaps.

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I only got a flatty last year because I always thought the colours were a bit off on a lot of the them. They're much better now. And really cheap for big ones. Mines's come down 25% since I bought it.


If you have a half-decent digital camera, a big screen will show up all your mistakes. And make the good ones even better!

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