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A 'game' called 'RapeLay' - "rape simulator"

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No, this is sadly not a joke. This is a game where "gamers direct a character to sexually assault a mother and her two young daughters at an underground station, before raping any of a selection female characters."




I have also been reading that there was once a magazine here in Japan "devoted to fans of groping". Happily, it didn't last (perhaps their marketing was lacking).


Why do things like this not get any kind of publicity or outrage in Japan? This kind of thing really is one of the things that I truly dislike about this place.


Amazon was recently caught by the Belfast Times selling a Japanese video game called RapeLay. The entire objective of the game is to rape women with varying levels of violence — sometimes stalking them first, sometimes using gang rape scenarios, and sometimes forcing them into abortions afterward.


One website review describes “tears glistening in the young girl’s eyes†as she is attacked in graphic detail.


Players begin the game by stalking a mother on a subway station before violently raping her. They then move on to attack her two daughters described as virgin schoolgirls.


Players are also allowed to enter ‘freeform mode’ where they can rape any woman and get other male game characters to join the attacks.


Pregnancy and abortion are listed as ‘key features’. One review said: “If she does become pregnant you’re supposed to force her to get an abortion, otherwise she gets more and more visibly pregnant each time you have sex.


Rapelay is an offshoot of the Illusion series, Interact Play. You, like in previous installments, play as a public nuisance that gets away from captivity and starts scouting for new targets. This time around you find a family of a single mother and her two daughters. You quickly begin your hunt and capture each woman one by one. The gameplay involves an amusing training/disposition system with which to break each respective target to your liking…


In Rapelay, gamers direct a character to sexually assault a mother and her two young daughters at an underground station, before raping any of a selection female characters.


The game was intended for release just in Japan, but was on offer to British buyers through Amazon Marketplace, the section of the online store's website open to third-party sellers.


But Amazon has now withdrawn the game after complaints from users, deeming it to be inappropriate. "We determined that we did not want to be selling this particular item," a spokeswoman said.


Rapelay was developed by the Japanese production house Illusion, which makes a number of sexually violent games for the domestic market. Their other titles include "Battle Raper" and "Artificial Girl".


A spokesman for the company said: "We believe there is no problem with the software, which has cleared the domestic ratings of an ethics watchdog body."


Keith Vaz, the Labour MP for Leicester East who has previously spoken out against computer games that promote violence, condemned the game.


"It is intolerable that anyone would purchase a game that simulates the criminal offence of rape," he told the Belfast Telegraph.


Rapelay, which was released in 2006, encourages players to force the virtual woman they rape to have an abortion. If they are allowed to give birth the woman throws the player's character under a train, according to reviews of the game. It also has a feature allowing several players to team up against individual women.

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Originally Posted By: snowjunky
Originally Posted By: RobBright
Where can I download it from? wink

Your kidding right?

What do you think? Considering that this news is about a month or so old - there was also, and I shudder when I right this, an interesting article about it in metropolis a few weeks back.
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There truly are some wierdos out there in the wild, however there are laws here in Oz about this sort of thing and I hope the authorities get serious and really jump hard on these people.

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Trouble is japan doesn't have the same level of child pornography laws that a lot of other countries do. As I was told, don't know how much of it was true mind, it is legal for a man and women t have sex if they are deemed to be "serious" about each other, regardless of the age difference 18 and 16 OK, 48 and 16 OK.


Now, like I said, don't know if it's true or not, but it certainly shocked me when I heard it, but have heard before that the age of consent is 13, akin to Spain.


The problem we have here, is that whilst rape is an offence in most countries, and we aren't even going to encroach on the punishments here, this game is not an offence, which I am ashamed to say, and it has only been brought up because some foreign newspapers/magazines recently.

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You also have the 'Junior Idol' phenomena here which is magazines and DVD's of young kids scantily clad and posing provocatively for the camera.

I remember last year Japan playboy came to Hirafu and did an article on the area. They gave our company some copies of the mag when the article came out. I was more than just a little shocked when they had a section of up and comings and on each page the girls got progressively younger down to about 12. They weren't naked but they were posing provocatively.

Let's face it the womens movement never happened here and exploitation of women (and very young women) is rampant. They are still considered second class citizens basically. It is the biggest concern I have about continuing to live here after having a daughter. Lots of good things about living in Japan, but child porn and treatment of women aren't good things at all.

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That's basically called Lolita complex, and you can trace that to the Victorian era.

Lewis carrol for example. How about David Hamilton in the '70s

How about the so called Top models and all those quest for young girls. Vogue was using 14~15 yo in the 80's


Yeah, but if you are a Japanese husband, you give all your wages to your wife, and you get the agreed pocket money.

Who has real power there. I have to point out that the Japanese men saves his face and the breadwinner status in exchange of money spending decisions by his wife.

You get treated like a man by your wife because you give them power over your wages.

It's just a different role play with different dynamics and value. In different subcultures of Japan, women play a more dominant role.

Let's face it. There are many perverts anywhere.


GN it's not Arabia there you know ...

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Jynxx not sure why you need to seem to defend it by bringing in examples from elsewhere. It's ahborrent wherever it happens.

In April UNICEF distributed a petition of over 21,000 signatures asking Japan to stop publications featuring junior idols. At a recent meeting in Brazil, Japan and Russia were were condemned as the only G8 nations that have not taken action against child exploitation. It's just plain wrong with no justification.


My wife also looks after pretty much all the financial side of things but it's not some power play, it's just I'm too lazy to do it. You're right there are different dynamics and values here. I just don't like them and don't really want my daughter growing up with those dynamics and values. I think it may be ok through primary schooling but for secondary I will be putting her into the international school in Sapporo if I'm still here. The majority of women in Japan still stop working after they get married and if they do have the audacity to continue they almost certainly stop after becoming pregnant. Similar attitudes were common in the west up till the 1960's but things moved on. Like with most things in this country nothing much ever seems to change. The people are so conditioned to continue with status quo, to never buck the system that living here is like stepping back in time. Not that unlike Arabia in a sense...

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That game and several others like it did in fact receive a fair amount of negative publicity and outrage domestically in Japan, leading to them being either pulled, or cancelled.

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The very fact that they could produce a game like this and distribute it with no criminal charges is a testament to the somewhat weird ideas in this country about sexual exploitation of children and women. It's not just that it's about rape (which is bad enough) but it's about raping young children. From a description I read about the game supposedly when you rape the the 10yo she obviously cries through most it and there is blood on your penis afterward. This is truly sick and yet the creators need not worry at all about breaking any laws here. Simply unbelievable.

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Originally Posted By: Ezorisu
That game and several others like it did in fact receive a fair amount of negative publicity and outrage domestically in Japan, leading to them being either pulled, or cancelled.

Yes it must have been a very low-key outrage, I never heard anything either.
If it was a proper outrage it would be plastered on all the morning.evening "news" programmes.
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