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Great photos, always nice to see what a place used to look like years ago.

Actually an ex student of mine showed me pics of Shinjuku from 60 years ago, it was totally unrecognisable, just looked like a tiny country village, was just all open countryside with a few houses and shops. And all around where rice fields and allotments.


It is really hard to imagine shinjuku ever looking like that when you see what it is like now.

Wish I had a copy of those photos would put them on here then.


Anyway thanks for the pics SJ great to see, especially as I past through there yesterday.

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Shinjuku Nishiguchi in 1957




My guess seeing that though would be that the area was wiped out in the Fire Raid. Your history books at school may not use the word "napalm", but that's pretty much what was dropped on Japanese cities.




That's Shinjuku Hon-dori at the end of Taisho (1925ish). Looks quite built up.

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each school I go to has these old photos of the shcool and surrounding area on the wall covering about 40 - 50 years, some of the aerial photos have no buildings at all, just fields, forests and streams and now its all super concreted-up-Yokohama

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Interesting photos, it brings back memory for me! (well some of the more recent one).

I remember Yuzawa from about 40 years ago, it has change very much since then. Many thing become convenient but I prefer scenery before the building and station arrived I think.

I will try to get some other photo I may have also.

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I love seeing old photos wherever they are of.

You can look at some for such long times and still get things out of them.


Where I live here in Tochigi though seems to have been in some kind of frozen state for the last 50 years. Photos from back then look pretty much the same, just without the vending machines!

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