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Hi all,


Just about to go pick up all my new gear this saturday and I realised that while I bought a spare thermal top for wearing around under my jumper when dressed casually (ie// pub hopping) I hav'nt done the same for my legs.


Will jeans keep them warm enough? Or do I have to fork out some MORE cash (kind of trying to avoid that scenario cause I've blown enough already) on some thermal pants as well? (i have 2 for rotating while snowboarding already - tops and bottoms).


I'll be in Hakuba Late feb early march.

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You'll be right

It's better to be a bit cold on the way to the pub and walk fast than be wearing thermals once you are inside where things usually seem to be superheated at snow resorts around the world. You should be right on the walk home after a few asahis

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Yeah I don't think my legs will be much of a problem. If I do feel too cold I'll just whack on a apir of my snowboarding thermals but seen as most of our time during the day will be snowboarding, and night time inside eating and drinking etc I don't think it'll be too bad.

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Your not going to the arctic!!


Jeans will do fine, you'll be a tiny bit cold on the short way to the pub then all warm and fuzzy when inside, then have a nice alcohol jacket to keep you warm while walking home

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Yeah wouldn't surprise me if I wore the board shorts at some point just for a laugh lol.


We have our feet warming equipment sorted (ultra thick work socks and some thermal socks) and from what I've read the jeans will be fine. Might bring my flannelet PJ's though lol.


I was born in Africa and have been living in Southern Queensland for the last 19 years. I've known nothing but 30+ degree heat in summer and hardly chilly winters my entire life. To say I take some getting used to cold weather is an understatement!!!

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for the evenings i have this pair of taiwanese ski-pants(?) - bottoms not wide enough to fit over boots - which are fleece-lined. never was i ever cold in niseko. a mite warmish in some restaurants though.

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I don;t plan on doing much walking around out in the open when Im not in my snow gear. When I'm going out I will only be in the open for short walks with the bulk of the time spent indoors. SO I guess I can freeze for 10minutes to be comfortable for a few hours. No biggie.

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