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How much did you pay for your throbbing head?

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I drank a shed load last night, my parents had a huge party and the beer was disappearing like snow off a dyke!!! Got to bed at 6.30am this morning and woke up around 1pm....not at my sharpest!! Tomorrow I have a nice 12 hour flight back to Japan to enjoy....

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4 shochus, 2 tequila shots, a Jager shot, a half dozen tequila sunrises and screwdrivers (nomihodai)...and no headache! mostly clear alcohols in that, gotta avoid dark alcohols to avoid hangovers.


Beer is the worst drink to go hard on, makes you feel like crap the next day and gives the worst hangovers. Beer is best enjoyed in limited quantities and of a high quality brew. Of spirits - whisky will screw you up too (dark alcohol)

The nomihodai "beer" where I was was hopposhu! nasty chemically hangover material if ever there was.

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Originally Posted By: SG

The nomihodai "beer" where I was was hopposhu! nasty chemically hangover material if ever there was.

God, thats being tightwads eh.. Is that happening more and more these days?
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n o headache, cost me nothing! OTOH, I spent the day working on the house, gotta get it ready for the trip to Japow which starts in a couple of days! Bed soon!

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Ex OOL 5th, Touring Honshu and Kyushu for a week, then Nozawa Onsen 14-24 th.


We'll be well back before you leave! 3 more wake-ups!

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Have fun JA! Make sure you pack 1/2 and 1/2 in the bags! LOL


I woke with a shocker of a headache but it was not an expensive one. I had 3 glasses of a lovely white wine with my dinner at Strada overlooking Tower Bridge. And then wandered along Waterloo Bridge to check out the London Eye and Fireworks for New Year. It was beyond cold!!


Unfortunately the headache was the result of a headcold catching up with me. Probably picked up from the nasty coughing woman Paris to London on the shoddy BA flight that lost my suitcase. Stocked up with Cold and Flu meds and should be right.


***Interesting to note cold and flu meds with pseudoephedrine in them which are controlled substances in Aus (limited to one pack with a drivers license recorded per day) are freely available here in London. Yet an over the counter Ventolin Inhaler (in Aus) is only available on prescription here! Annoying as there were 3 Ventolin's in the suitcase that was lost! Hoepfully they will be OTC in Paris, Milan or Switzerland. He has enough to last for about a week given reasonable health.

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Because inhalers tend to have steroids in them, which are controlled substances I think in the UK. Also a lot of cold and flu meds are limited to 16/32 I think per person per shop. Nothing to stop you from going around the various shops though.


And JA - make sure you have insurance wink

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only just recovered from new years, not that i had a particularly big one. mix in a head cold, some beers, bugger all sleep and then working two double shifts in a row.... ahhhhh starting to feel better now though.

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