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Customers/clients who don't pay

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  • SnowJapan Admin

I thought I might post this and see what others might do in this kind of situation.


Imagine that you have a 'customer' who has received services from you, but have not paid for those services.


They have said that they intend to pay and will do 'this week' on quite a few occasions, but it has just dragged on and on without the payment appearing and they basically cut off communication.


What do you do? This is just meant as a light-hearted look at the subject of people who don't pay! wink

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Oh I agree BOC! Being in a business that automatically extends credit to it's clients we often face this issue. We have to pay our suppliers by the close of each week or we are put on a STOP, therefore no access to stock whatsoever! However some of our clients push the payment out by MONTHS!


We have had to write some off, and we have had some midnight runners as well. Basically if payment is outside the terms we call them and send a reminder. If it is twice the terms we no longer supply on credit (so they only get COD stock) and follow up the outstanding. If it drags on much further without reasonable effort to pay off the outstanding balance then we simply stop supplying them.


Interestingly it has been the ritzy resturants who are the worst payers!

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I'm with Thursday on this one. I used the services of a collection agency once. They were very efficient. They only charged me 25% of any sum recovered and I got back the whole sum (less the 25% to the agency). It took me less than two weeks from the time I hired them and the A-hole had owed me the money for several years. I don't know how they work in Japan and what their rates are but it worked for me in HK.

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Tsondaboy, when you met me you were all high on coke and you were still rocking to the beat of those drums of your hifi in your car even though you had already parked your car hours before....so how can you remember me?


I remember Ewok2 posted some pics of me skiing with sunrise. Go have a look and see this old man on skis.

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  • SnowJapan Admin

We had another "we'll pay today" promise earlier this week. Guess what, not paid and not contactable for the last 2 days again. It's almost funny.

As someone said previously though, don't want to give this compamny any publicity.... so currently discussing what to do about it.

Oh the adventures....

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