soubriquet 0 Posted June 13, 2008 Share Posted June 13, 2008 Lets get this straight. (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10) * 32 = 1760ft. A total dwork without the simplest ability to do arithmetic, nor the nonce to try it, fine. It took me all of 30 seconds to work this out. You find it nice to avoid the reality of arithmetic. It is easier to spend 3 years contriving a 104 Point conspiracy theory, and post total junk. Spacefrog (not for the first time) has posted total bollox. Posting bollox here seems to be fine. Calling bollox for what it is the big CorrectSpeak No No. Pathetic. Link to post Share on other sites
grungy-gonads 54 Posted June 13, 2008 Share Posted June 13, 2008 So do you want SJ to stop people posting 'bollox'? But who defines that though? Would that not cause an uproar? Just put spacefrog on ignore, that will do the trick! I find spacefrog quite amusing in an annoying way. Link to post Share on other sites
thursday 1 Posted June 13, 2008 Share Posted June 13, 2008 I like it as it is. Everybody gets to have an opinion on anything they want. They can post it too. Link to post Share on other sites
soubriquet 0 Posted June 13, 2008 Share Posted June 13, 2008 I'm being bagged via PM for some simple arithmetic. Grow up. Nothing is more important than the (insert conspiracy here) caused 9/11. Soubriquette now has two sessions of surgery lined up, +radiation +chemo. Demonstrating willfull ignorance to the world is fine; your choice. Don't expect favours. Link to post Share on other sites
spacefrog 0 Posted June 13, 2008 Share Posted June 13, 2008 Being called a conspiracist would imply that I have personally conspired to hide the truth or distort it. Then really what you meant was conspiracy theorist which would imply that I support a theory that distorts or hides the truth. When all I am saying is REVISE. OK GN contradicting yourself by telling me that I need to tell you what degrees to ascertain authority then telling me that just degrees in sociology and philosophy don`t give such authority. So which is it? And then practical life experience has more authority?plus the fact if you had read properly you would have noticed I stated politics and philosophy. Now how can logic not be a valid degree when our whole system of science in underpinned by it. I can follow the logic in the FEMA report or actually lack of it by crossreferencing with schematics and other peoples calculations. And really if you took a minute and cleared all prejudices from your mind you too would be able figure out that the FEMA, NIST and 9/11 commission reports are illogical sold as logic. As for the ridiculing well I am being ridiculed for attacking a fallacy while you feel I am ridiculing you but if I did so it would be for defending the fallacy. Also I thought it so transparent that you asked me on several occasions to disclose what degrees to provide again ridicule (just sociology/philosophy degrees) hence my reluctance to disclose.And I still say how are they relevant? One requires common sense first! Oh just a diversion on your climate change, how come the planet has been cooling down since it peaked in 1998? Only in the last few years has the global warming crisis been fomented when in reality the planet is getting cooler. ok back to 9/11, so when we look at Hegel`s dialectic which states thesis + antithesis= synthesis( some people might have seen it simplified as problem reaction solution) it can be applied to provide motive. If one wants to invade a foreign country illegally like Iraq then how do you sell it to your own people, military and the world. Foment crisis (We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order- David Rockefeller) Reaction - point finger at saddam hussein blaming it on Iraq as well as outrageous claims on WMDs Solution- Invade a sovereign country and depose a dictator you had installed from the start. Have a power base in the middle east and huge source of oil. Pas the patriot act!!!! and allow the president to claim another term indefinitely if another crisis were to unfold.In the ultimate democracy as we are told, how is that democratic? Politics at it`s finest and the genius is hiding something in plain sight is so effective that who could possibly believe such an outrageous story to be true. Indeed someone who deems themselves intelligent would be branded a conspiracist nutter if they actually believed such an outrageous claim. There is safety in joining the herd mentality and those who don`t are vilified and ridiculed. Surely intelligence would require and open mind and to examine the facts to come to your conclusion and not to the prescribed conclusion. Basically you are all being duped by modal logic, the way things are described e.g. Les Robertson stating the WTC could survive an impact of a fully laden 707. Now it was pointed out to me it is a slow flying 707. Ok now here is where you are duped, slow flying 707 at a 1000 feet is a strange claim. Such a heavy aircraft would need speed to maintain that course and altitude, slow flying still means at close to top speed for this to be scientifically possible. This is just one example in the thousands or more. Now I understand that experts have concocted these beautifully worded documents to play on that and fool people into believing. Now if I say it`s understandable that most people were duped you will brand me an elitist again, but anyway these documents and many many other political documents are designed to do this. They hope that most people will never figure it out. Unfortunately with the internet this is becoming harder to suppress information and the speed at which this information is available it`s harder to sway public opinion with lies. These people who create these documents are banking on you being stupid and manipulating your opinion through the syndicated media brainwashing the masses 24/7. All I am asking is please show your intelligence as I know most of you aren`t stupid , open your eyes and don`t be easily lead. Now the site I posted is a group of professors and other academics who have painstakingly tried to put everything into context and laid out nicely so everyone can attempt to understand without having to be an expert. The skeptics will say well they can lead you to a conclusion also and try to convince you the US govt is wrong. These people have no motive to hide anything remember and all they are trying to do is prove scientifically that the official conclusion is so bogus it is insulting to people with intelligence. The US govt has everything to lose as they used it to underpin an invasion of a sovereign country and breaking many international laws, it doesn`t require much imagination as to why this would be an issue. Now if we go back to pure scientific facts and analyses of questions and events. First this link is a scientific calculation of kerosene combustion and theoretical temperatures it could reach. I know from civil aviation records that aircraft kerosene has different grades with flashpoints from 24-38 c now this calculation uses 42c which is normal kerosene. Anyway from the calculations you can conclude the temperatures reached could never have warped the steel. Then 1975 fire in the WTC never caused these problems, nothing melted and the sprinkler system worked even FEMA says it would have failed. Next we have chapter 2 of the FEMA report analysed and critiqued. Again this is simple and logical. The whole site is a valuable resource to make your mind up without having an opinion forced down your throat. The reason why you see me as dismissive arrogant and whatever other words you want to attribute, is not because I think I am superior but because the self professed intelligent people vociferously defend a pack of lies that are insulting to everyone`s intelligence. Just another little article about President Bush`s achievements during his 2 terms( a small excerpt maybe)Before you start branding this guy a conspiracist nutter, he is in the house of representatives and this is his list for impeaching Bush. He is a very brave person because how much support will he get but he believes it is right and he will go it alone if he has to. I admire that sentiment as he does not take the path of least resistance. And GN we can debate calmly about climate change(in the other thread), the artificial oil crisis which we are experiencing now, the comming food crisis that monsanto will help foment with it`s GMO crops. Please read about Kissingers 1974 National security council meorandum 200 on population control. He lays out oil crisis, food crisis, climate change as tools for curbing global population. As for TJ OZ, well I don`t really worry about those as they aren`t so interesting really or relevant to our lives today. 9/11 is very relevant for all of us. If we think the ignorance is bliss argument is effective then think again. We are all going to have to deal with food, fuel and other crises that are fomented and arguing amongst each other is exactly what I would want to distract the populus if I were in control. Last thing you want is to unify them. Actually maybe JFK is interesting as he refused to put operation northwoods ( declassified US military document) into action. He refused a false flag terror operation to hijack and crash planes into buildings blaming it on cubans so to start the invasion of cuba. It wasn`t put into action but it looks like the blue print for the 9/11 attacks. This document is declassified and available to read on the internet. Link to post Share on other sites
spacefrog 0 Posted June 13, 2008 Share Posted June 13, 2008 Originally Posted By: grungy-gonads So do you want SJ to stop people posting 'bollox'? But who defines that though? Would that not cause an uproar? Just put spacefrog on ignore, that will do the trick! I find spacefrog quite amusing in an annoying way. So you are implying that I am bagging soubriquet over PM. Your assumption as soubriquet puts it is bollox. I don`t PM people nor will respond to PM other than the admins. I don`t need to hide and will defend my beliefs in public thanks. And really if soubriquet looked my provided links , calculation of kerosene combustion and the schematics and blue prints for the WTC and go over the scientific facts then he can come back and explain to me why they are so bollox. Link to post Share on other sites
big-will 7 Posted June 13, 2008 Share Posted June 13, 2008 If you "ignore" a user, you don't get PMs from them. Link to post Share on other sites
grungy-gonads 54 Posted June 13, 2008 Share Posted June 13, 2008 Quote: So you are implying that I am bagging soubriquet over PM. No, I was doing no such thing. I was simply pointing out that if anyone dislikes another member so much that it is driving them nutty, then they are able to "ignore" that user so that their posts do not appear. Get it? Link to post Share on other sites
Rag-Doll 0 Posted June 13, 2008 Share Posted June 13, 2008 This is a lot like arguing with some religious nutter about evolution v creationism and being asked, if we evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys? It is ignorance dressed up as rational argument, but such ignorance as defies a sensible response. An example for you Spacefrog is this statement - Basically you are all being duped by modal logic, the way things are described e.g. Les Robertson stating the WTC could survive an impact of a fully laden 707. Now it was pointed out to me it is a slow flying 707. Ok now here is where you are duped, slow flying 707 at a 1000 feet is a strange claim. Such a heavy aircraft would need speed to maintain that course and altitude, slow flying still means at close to top speed for this to be scientifically possible. This is just one example in the thousands or more. This is a complete mess of irrational nonsense absent of any real thought or consideration. You conclude that science dictates that because the plane is large and heavy, in order to keep the plane at the required altitude of 1,000 ft, it would need to be travelling close to its top speed. This is simply wrong, pure and simple. Stall speed 101: Planes have what is termed a "stall speed". This is the speed at which the plane ceases to generate enough lift to remain airborne. It is true that some very high performance, cutting edge type planes do have stall speeds close to their maximum speeds, but that is not the case with passenger jets. For each aircraft stall speeds do also vary according altitude and attitude of the aircraft (i.e. turning or flying at altitude will increase the stall speed) - largely because the less effective the plane's lift surfaces, the faster it needs to be travelling to maintain lift. At low altitude, stall speeds decrease because an aircraft wing becomes more effective at providing lift. The point being that a plane will continue to fly under control at all speeds (within reason) above the stall speed applicable to the given situation. Thus a pilot when flying slowly - as he/she would do in a situation when lost in zero visibility and concerned about possible flight hazards or low on fuel and wanting to conserve fuel, will fly slightly above the stall speed of his/her plane for that situation. At sea level the stall speed of a 707 is around 200 mph. The cruising speed for a 707 is roughly the same as a 767 being around the 530 mph mark. So, against your "scientifically possible" claim of the 707 travelling at near its top speed, we have one aircraft travelling at something like just over 200 mph and low on fuel (the design 707) against a plane travelling at 530 mph with considerably more fuel on board. - Not exactly comparing apples with apples, is it? Also, consider that the 707 had 4 small engines, where as the 767 has 2 much larger engines. These larger engines would have had a significantly larger impact on the WTC structure than the design 707 would have been expected to have. Spacefrog - It is a pity you aren't able to engage in a discussion in a meaningful way and seem to be unable to put forward your case in a clear and thoughtful manner. You obviously enjoy engaging people on a variety of subjects. As in the above example, your inability to make a meaningful point undermines your entire position because if you are unable to grasp something as simple as stall speed v cruising speed v max speed, you're going to struggle with the more complex points of the discussion. There have been some great debates on this website over the years but they only work if the participants can really demonstrate a clear understanding of their case, including its strengths and weaknesses and, importantly, appreciate and respect the opposing views. Absent that the thread just disintegrates into the kind of thing we have here with you coming across all irrational and paranoid, and frankly, no one much cares for it. Link to post Share on other sites
SnowJapan Moderator SnowJapan.Com#4 5 Posted June 13, 2008 SnowJapan Moderator Share Posted June 13, 2008 As long as things don't get too nasty or personal and/or they go against our guidelines, it is not for us to move in on a thread and 'take action'. As others have said, there is functionality on the Forums where any member can "ignore" any other member. Doing so will block out any messages from the "ignored" member and it this will also prevent those people from sending you Private Messages. As was noted previously, please just keep this on the friendlier side of nasty. If things do get too much we appreciate people letting us know by using the "Notify" link on the bottom of each post. That gets our attention quickly. Thanks. Link to post Share on other sites
Rag-Doll 0 Posted June 13, 2008 Share Posted June 13, 2008 First this link is a scientific calculation of kerosene combustion and theoretical temperatures it could reach. I know from civil aviation records that aircraft kerosene has different grades with flashpoints from 24-38 c now this calculation uses 42c which is normal kerosene. Anyway from the calculations you can conclude the temperatures reached could never have warped the steel. Then 1975 fire in the WTC never caused these problems, nothing melted and the sprinkler system worked even FEMA says it would have failed. I'm not an engineer nor am I particularly good with math so most of the stuff on this webpage goes over my head, but the one thing I do note is that when they work out how much engergy they have available and how much the temp needs to increase by they ommit two things. The first is that it assumes the structure remains uncompromised (i.e. that all the bits are doing what they are designed to do and no supporting items have been severed) and secondly that the entire weight of concrete, steel etc is being heated to he same degree. Naturally it won't be and so there will be areas cooler than others and areas that are hotter than others. Some areas wouldn't have been affected at all, but these calculations require them all to be heated to the same point - it ain't going to happen. It is therefore quite possible I think that a reduced number of load bearing items supporting a much higher weight is subject to a range of heat intensities, some very high, some not so high - it is not all being heated to the same level. Thus it would seem possible that amongst the reduced number of remaining supports enough of them do receive sufficeintly high temps to cause them to fail - the more that fail the more likely the rest will be unable to take up the slack. Link to post Share on other sites
Mantas 3 Posted June 13, 2008 Share Posted June 13, 2008 Originally Posted By: spacefrog And really if soubriquet looked my provided links , calculation of kerosene combustion and the schematics and blue prints for the WTC and go over the scientific facts then he can come back and explain to me why they are so bollox. Facts? Really? All I see is data. Kerosine, 707 flying speed, fuel loads, flame color, Steel melting points..... Theory, theory, theory.........Why do you put such blind faith into engineering data and the logic that the building was 'supposed' too withstand the impact of a jet airplane. Let me tell you, engineers get it wrong all the time. I have spent a good part of my working life rectifying engineer's cock-ups. (i spent 3 hours of today doing just that). There is a yawning gap between what's designed and the finished product. And even if the engineers get it right, who's to say it was constructed to design anyway? Who's to say the construction company didn't cut corners during the construction? Who's to say the suppliers didn't supply sub-grade materials. Who's to say the certifying engineer did his job properly? The only REAL way to see if this building could withstand the impact of a 707, is to build one exactly the same then smack into it with one and see if it falls down or not. Link to post Share on other sites
Go Native 70 Posted June 13, 2008 Share Posted June 13, 2008 OK GN contradicting yourself by telling me that I need to tell you what degrees to ascertain authority then telling me that just degrees in sociology and philosophy don`t give such authority. So which is it? And then practical life experience has more authority?plus the fact if you had read properly you would have noticed I stated politics and philosophy. Now how can logic not be a valid degree when our whole system of science in underpinned by it. Politics and philiosophy do not make you a specialist in fields like engineering and climatology. No contradiction there. I do not try to debate the science surrounding 9/11 because although I have a science degree, my field of knowledge does not extend to the mechanisms surrounding the collapse of a building when a plane hits it. I only ask that you debate these issues with an open mind and accept the possibility that you too could be completely and utterly wrong. Also acknowledge that people who accept the official explanations are not just brainwashed sheep but have as much right to their belifs as do you. You come across something like a religious zealot whose beliefs cannot be questioned. As I've said before put forward your views as your opinion and not as absolute truth And GN we can debate calmly about climate change(in the other thread)' date=' the artificial oil crisis which we are experiencing now, the comming food crisis that monsanto will help foment with it`s GMO crops. Please read about Kissingers 1974 National security council meorandum 200 on population control. He lays out oil crisis, food crisis, climate change as tools for curbing global population. We can't debate this because you do not debate the science, you are more interested in debating it from a political conspiracy viewpoint. I am only interested in the science. Link to post Share on other sites
spacefrog 0 Posted June 14, 2008 Share Posted June 14, 2008 um really how can you debate blue prints that clearly show FEMA`s diagrams are ultra simplistic and amateur at best. But I am sure you will all find some way to ridicule and rubbish it as it doesn`t fit with what you want to believe. So all you see is data about how kerosene combusts, and it is only data? Um underpinned by scientific principles but apparently in this case they don`t count. These are not my opinions but unfortunately these principles and laws that govern science are held as truth. It is a calculation about how kerosene behaves and has nothing to do with the building and how damaged it was as Rag-doll seems to confusingly add. Selectively using the calculation and not mentioning the other link that went with at which was a critique of chapter 2 of the FEMA report which was written by Ronald Hamburger who is known to have retracted his original statement that he thought it was controlled demolition. So having examined the schematics and seen that the official story completely disregards the actual structure in it`s scientific analysis which you all hold as truth, where next? So the FEMA report as we see does NOT regard the official schematics as valid and comes up with some over simplified version. As GN says only interested in science, well how is that science. I am interested in the science but not selective science. Colour of the flames is based on scientific principle, steel properties and heat conduction are also, heat and temperature are different although they are related and also scientific principles, heat conduction of steel and heat conduction of concrete, Newton`s laws, etc etc. So why does FEMA brush over them or do they not need to adhere to these principles? And all everyone has labeled me is just as guilty of the same , over zealous defending and not debating science. Let`s look at Dr. Eager again and how he uses science What would Sir Isaac have to say about that?Sorry we only apply Newtons laws when we feel like it? And before we get all personal again which I really don`t care about anyway, like GN says stick to debating the science of how the towers collapsed. Nothing about political implications or anything else. Stick to how they fell apart and convince me that scientifically based on the information omitted in the official theory why I should believe FEMA , NIST, 9/11 commission and why it is any more credible than my so called crackpot religious zealot conspiracy theory. Link to post Share on other sites
Mantas 3 Posted June 14, 2008 Share Posted June 14, 2008 OK Here is a few retorts to Dr. Eager's report from your 9/11 cronies. There is no evidence that fires ever covered more than a half of any floor in the South Tower That is confident language to describe a "theory" not supported by any evidence. There is no evidence the fires were anywhere near that hot. Where is the evidence? At 1300° F, the steel would have been glowing red hot and would have been visible even in broad daylight. But there is no evidence that the structural steel skeleton was any less robust than any other building. Funny that there is no evidence of the bowing outward of the outer box columns in any of the videos or photographs There is no evidence the jet collision with Tower 2 significantly damaged its core structures Spotted the common theme there? No evidence, yet you/they have NO EVIDENCE to the contrary. You sit back and pick holes in the reports but what do you offer to fill the holes....................a vacuum! And in fact the towers WERE designed to survive collisions by 707s carrying over twice the fuel that the similar-sized 767s were WERE designed.??? That's beautiful. Let's all blindly except this as gospel because it suits our argument. Those angle clips! Well, I guess we'll have to take Eagar's word that the designers stupidly underengineered them, Yep... I could definitely believe that one. I'm not scientist, nor am I a very intelligent or highly educated. What I am blessed with is a good dose of common sense and rationale. I'm not going to debate you anymore on this.( that doesn't mean you've won by the way, it just means I don't have the spare time that you do) I would really like to hear your full account of what you think happened instead of picking holes in the current version and offering NOTHING in return. Link to post Share on other sites
spacefrog 0 Posted June 14, 2008 Share Posted June 14, 2008 I did offer something in return, I offered the schematics for the building.Start with the core of the building as this is the key point that gets brushed under the carpet. How can you accept an MIT professor`s zipper theory when the schematics prove his theory is based on selectively choosing which part to show. I really don`t think you can refute the schematics. And Les Robertson says they WERE designed to withstand a 707 so you are saying we blindly accept the designers statement as gospel. So then you believe that we can`t take the designer seriously? I don`t have to offer any alternate theory because we are talking about the official version being based on half truths and unscientific analyses. I will be branded conspiracist again if I try to offer alternate theories As I said stick to the facts and science of how the towers came down. So we will go with known scientific principles and facts starting with the core of the building and the schematics then account for the time of the fires and the time that the buildings came down. Concrete doesn`t just vaporise into dust and steel doesn`t just fail and fall into 500.000 pieces. The building should have been built to regulations which will of course include redundancy, even the floors would have had redundancy, the architects and designers would of course have planned redundancy into the structure. I like the fact that when I asked about the pentagon, I was quickly set straight with the "N" eyewitnesses. Suddenly the "N" eyewitnesses in the twin towers count for nothing as they would help pull the carpet from under the official theory very quickly. So stop using Eagar et al. scientific principle "if it doesn`t fit toss it out and brush over it" You all support the official theory, the one we are all told to believe as truth conveniently packaged as credible in easy bite sized chunks. So instead of me giving my account, why don`t you tell me why you defend a theory that is so full of holes and overlooks many important scientific principles. And the Cardington experiments are generally held to provide evidence of how steel behaves in office building fires , so there is the vacuum you so claim I am providing. And ask yourself about your kerosene heater in winter, how do most heaters hold up, shouldn`t they by right warp, deform and suddenly fall into pieces? And where have you seen concrete burning? or even being heated to the point it vaporises into dust? Link to post Share on other sites
Go Native 70 Posted June 14, 2008 Share Posted June 14, 2008 Virtually every link you've provided spacefrog is from the same site created by Jim Hoffman (who is not a structural engineer). Here are the descriptions for the people involved with the website from the site itself; Jim Hoffman created the website and wrote the vast majority of its original content. Hoffman is a research scientist and software engineer. His scientific visualizations have been widely published in journals including Science News, Scientific American, Science Digest, and Nature; and he co-authored papers in Science and Macromolecules. Hoffman also created the Web publishing system used to maintain the 9-11 Research website. That Hoffman has been targeted by a campaign of harassment and defamation is evidence of the importance of his work. That last sentence really amuses me. The fact that his site and the supposed 'science' he uses has been bought into question must mean that he's really onto something!! Gregg Roberts has been investigating the September 11 attack since December 2003 and has provided extensive editorial assistance to 911Research. He authored the essay Where Are the 9/11 Whistleblowers?, and is working with Hoffman to produce a book based on the site. Roberts is a technical writer and business analyst with a bachelor's degree in psychology, master's-level study in social work, and earlier education in the "hard" sciences. Earlier education in the "hard" sciences?? Yet no actual qualifications in the 'hard' sciences it would seem or they would have mentioned it. So suddenly a social worker is an expert on planes crashing into buildings.... Victoria Ashley has been researching the attack since 2003, and has contributed unique insights into the modes and methods of misinformation used to marginalize the 9/11 Truth Movement. Ashley highlighted the importance of Steven Jones' work in the essay A Physics Professor Speaks Out on 9-11: Reason, Publicity, and Reaction, and helped to organize the Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice group. So it would seem that Victoria has no qualifications whatsoever but does have an aptitude for PR. I have no doubt at all that her insights could easily be considered 'unique'. Jan Hoyer is a former founding board member and graphic designer for the National 9/11 Visibilty Project, and the D.C Emergency Truth Convergence. Hoyer has a degree in graphic design and experience in online multimedia. And finally we have graphic designer who can present the incredible talents of this team to bring us all their incredible insights through the internet. So spacefrog these are the guys that you've have based most of your 'facts' on.... Well I guess in this day and age people still believe in things like gods and ghosts so it doesn't really surprise me you can be taken in by the rubbish from that website. Link to post Share on other sites
Rag-Doll 0 Posted June 15, 2008 Share Posted June 15, 2008 Did you see on one of the website Frog linked us to where they have run a model of what would happen if a 747 hit the buildings? Some model they couldn't even get the specs of the building right! kind of makes you wonder at the rest of the parameters! A bunch of know nothing clowns. Eye witnesses - at the pentagon eyewitnesses claimed to have seen a passenger plane, which is something instantly recognisable to pretty much everyone in the world. Not a lot of scope for error there. Eye witnesses at the WTC were seeing something pretty well unprecedented. All sorts of shit was going on and people naturally were struggling to interpret what they were seeing. Frog do some research on memory and the problems with how people interpret and process visual information and how that information is subsequently reinterpreted by the brain after the fact. Link to post Share on other sites
Mantas 3 Posted June 15, 2008 Share Posted June 15, 2008 A bunch of mighty pissed off Arabs that despised America and all that it stands for, crashed a few planes into some buildings to try and kill as many people as possible, create general havoc, take out the two symbols that most represent the evil, greedy capitalist infidel and collect your their 99 virgins at the gates of paradise, thank you very much. Why is that so hard to swallow Frog? Fark the science! Link to post Share on other sites
spacefrog 0 Posted June 15, 2008 Share Posted June 15, 2008 Originally Posted By: Rag-Doll Did you see on one of the website Frog linked us to where they have run a model of what would happen if a 747 hit the buildings? Some model they couldn't even get the specs of the building right! kind of makes you wonder at the rest of the parameters! A bunch of know nothing clowns. Eye witnesses - at the pentagon eyewitnesses claimed to have seen a passenger plane, which is something instantly recognisable to pretty much everyone in the world. Not a lot of scope for error there. Eye witnesses at the WTC were seeing something pretty well unprecedented. All sorts of shit was going on and people naturally were struggling to interpret what they were seeing. Frog do some research on memory and the problems with how people interpret and process visual information and how that information is subsequently reinterpreted by the brain after the fact. So you will have me believe that Chief Oreo Palmer, a veteran fireman came across an office fire which in your own words is unprecedented and he was convinced he could put it out. So he was struggling to interpret what he did for a living and believing his eyes. I will also remind you that over 100C people will suffer. So how did he get up there , survive and feel from is years of experience that he could put out the fire. Why did the survivors from that floor not have their skin hanging from them unless they happened to be directly in the fire. I am pretty sure people remember being hot as it a sensation you don`t need your eyes, nose and ears to sense. Having survived a house fire myself which my 5 year old god child started with matches, I can attest to feeling heat and smoke and only having suffered from CO poisoning but still remember very clearly that I tried to save them but couldn`t due to excessive smoke. Fortunately the brave fire brigade brought them out alive. Fire is not something you easily forget. Eye witnesses at the pentagon that saw a 707 were most likely govt officials, eye witnesses that worked at surrounding businesses saw nothing like a 707 but they aren`t mentioned.Again Selective Eagar science, oh but wait the criticism of the people I mention are not structural engineers but wait neither it Eagar. The 747 model response is laughable, can`t get the the dimensions right, smacks of hypocrisy as the theory you support can`t do that either. However the model supplied is based on a lesser strength building that wouldn`t succumb so Rag-Doll would have you believe that a stronger building would and this is his best attempt at ridiculing the schematics. Well makes you wonder at the real dimensions, and the simplistic dimensions used by the theory he defends vociferously. This shows how you people are duped based on language. Pavlov would be proud, I say 9/11 inside job, you give the pavlovian response conspiracy. I say Al qaeda and your pavlovian response is Islamic terrorist. etc etc ad infinitum ad infinitum. Open minded people start with a clean slate without prejudice and examine the facts to determine their stance or opinion. Closed minded people can`t escape their entrenched deluded minds and start with an opinion they so fiercely defend against any opinion valid or invalid. So at best the official theory is incomplete and therefor inconclusive and at worst fantasy. I am sorry to have to say this but as predicted you can`t or don`t want to read as I said on several occasions let`s debate the facts and not throw in political ramifications. Again the steel core that supported the building is brushed over and is totally relevant as are the schematics of the floors that are over simplified. I really wonder if I am the only person that believes that the official theory is fanciful and why others don`t show their true colours, but I suppose that others are too frightened to be ostracised by their forum buddies. I can understand that. As you totally try to disprove me with circular arguments and straw man arguments , you simultaneously undermine yourselves so it will never prove anything eventhough you think it is convincing. So people Blue prints, schematics, steel core!!!!!! Link to post Share on other sites
spacefrog 0 Posted June 15, 2008 Share Posted June 15, 2008 Originally Posted By: Mantas A bunch of mighty pissed off Arabs that despised America and all that it stands for, crashed a few planes into some buildings to try and kill as many people as possible, create general havoc, take out the two symbols that most represent the evil, greedy capitalist infidel and collect your their 99 virgins at the gates of paradise, thank you very much. Why is that so hard to swallow Frog? Fark the science! All you prove here is how well programmed you are with your pavlovian response. As said before schematics blue prints steel core ------> prove how the towers just disintigrated before we get on to political ramifications Link to post Share on other sites
Mantas 3 Posted June 15, 2008 Share Posted June 15, 2008 Yes, I'm a pre-programmed fool with the wool well and truely pulled over my eyes. Foolish of me to assume engineers/ philosipher and multi media graphic designers could get it wrong. Lead me out of the the darkness oh great wise one. Open my eyes and put me on the path of truth. You are entertaining Froggy. I'll give you that. Link to post Share on other sites
JA2340 16 Posted June 15, 2008 Share Posted June 15, 2008 Originally Posted By: spacefrog Open minded people start with a clean slate without prejudice and examine the facts to determine their stance or opinion. Closed minded people can`t escape their entrenched deluded minds and start with an opinion they so fiercely defend against any opinion valid or invalid. I used to have an open mind, but stuff kept falling out. That made the rest of what was in there irrelevant. I shut it to keep come sense of relevance. Link to post Share on other sites
TJ OZ 0 Posted June 15, 2008 Share Posted June 15, 2008 Sorry if it has been mentioned.(it's a big topic). Has anything been said about the other plane that went down in Pennsylvania. Link to post Share on other sites
JA2340 16 Posted June 15, 2008 Share Posted June 15, 2008 Doubt it, there was too much "independent" evidence, for example, from the occupants of the plane for there to be any mileage in a conspiracy theory in that direction. these people have got to concentrate their efforts in areas where ther can be some seeds of doubt sown, then irrigate these with plenty of mis (or dis)information. Link to post Share on other sites
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