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I have read a lot of articles about this recently because I want to be aware of why different religions treat living beings so differently.


I found that the halal method to be an allegedly more humane than the mainstream method.


No links here, look it up and you will find. From a physiological perspective it makes a lot of sense. The animal does not suffer, death is instantaneous.


I can't give up meat, but I am sure looking more into halal. Not for religious purposes but for the more "humane" purposes.


What do you think?

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>What do you think?


Halal just means "allowed". In terms of slaughter I think you refer to "dabiha" (or so). I can't really see animals lining up with happy faces to get slaughtered that way either.


The normal slaughterhouse way is instant too (let's not go into the details). If you eat meat, either way is fine.


I often eat in Muslim places in China. I guess you know what's 兰州拉面? (yum yum!) And 羊肉串 are perfect with beer....


If you are really into humane "giving" up meat totally is the way to go.

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If you want to be humane and still eat meat I think that the way the animal lives is as, or more, important than the way it dies. Buying from certified organic, free-range (or whatever it is called for the various animals in various countries) would be the way to go.

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Or eat McDonalds burgers.

I am amost positive there is NO meat, or nutritious value in those lol.gif


I agree with me_jane. Buying from Free-Range organic distributors who "Guarantee" their animals are treated well before slaughetered.


I think if you saw the way animals were treated in some countries, then killed in traditional methods according to "halal" tradition, you would be appalled.


Why not live off Kobe beef?, I hear the cows get massages every day. wave.gif



An chinese uncle of mine said to me:

Asians will eat anything with four legs, except for tables and chairs
, I like it, so true lol.gif


Good luck with your quest Thursday, glad to see your "humanitarium" ways showing...

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 Originally Posted By: Indo
I get halal lamb here and it tastes good.. That's all I think!

And when you get the right part you can still see the smile on the lambs face.

But on a serious note, I have the "Halal" issue sometimes coming up with visitors from Turkey or other Muslim places. It's usually no problem, in Hong Kong we have lots of Pakistani places and a few Chinese Halal places too. Real Indonesian or Malay places should be Halal too (if they are not Chinese run). In China Xinjiang places (that's ethnic western Chinese cuisine) are always Halal.

But in fact, they can go to any restaurant and eat stuff that is not questionable, that's vegetables and fish i.e.
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McDonalds actually has very good quality meat, better than in the supermarkets, because they have been busted so many times in the past and the authorities are strict on them. source: 'fast food nation' (book)


If no-one ate beef, there would be no-one breeding cows and they would become extinct. They only exist cos we eat them. So I think its nonsense to say it is inhumane to eat beef because it kills a cow. By eating beef, we give life to many cows.

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Aside from humanitarian issues, raising cows is a very inefficient use of resources. It doesn't seem to make sense. But vegetarianism seems like a pretty extreme solution to me. What ever happened to just cutting down? -Not so difficult to just eat less beef and pork -even MUCH less- but I wouldn't want to stop eating it completely. Beef is too good. Plus it's awkward at restaurants with friends, enkai's, etc.

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 Originally Posted By: OkemoLoon
Reminds me of the movie "Supersize Me" A perfectly healthy guy eats nothing but MacDonalds for like 2 months and when he goes back to the doctor they tell him he should stop because his life is in danger.

I saw it too. But that didn't come from the beef, it's the high fat content of the fried food, specially the chips. And of course the sugar sodas were a US "small" cup could usually feed a family of 5.

You will be even worse if you eat fried noodles or rice for a month only, they have an even higher fat contend.

PS: I eat once in a while a burger and it makes me feel sick for a day. My usual fast food is Yoshinoya (is it called Gyodon?). I wonder if that's good for me, but doesn't me feel sick at least.
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If no-one ate beef, there would be no-one breeding cows and they would become extinct. They only exist cos we eat them. So I think its nonsense to say it is inhumane to eat beef because it kills a cow. By eating beef, we give life to many cows.


Ummm. You seem to be going to extremes with the arguement. No one here suggested mass vegetarianism. But hey, for a laugh, lets look at the ethics of feeding 90% of the soy grown in the US to livestock to fatten animals instead of starving people and children in the third world.


i would rather the animal not be born at all, than born into the life of a factory farm 'unit'.

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There are Halal Maccas in Aus and NZ and they do very well. In UK too.


What distressed me was the "modern" slaughter method of a bolt to the head which should kill the animal and then straight through to the cutters. Often, the bolt doesn't kill but just paralyses the animal and they are cut apart conciously.

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Maybe I'm a little out of date here but when I worked in a slaughterhouse the purpose of the captive bolt gun was to render cattle unconcious. They were then killed by having a metal rod inserted through the hole into the brain before being butchered.


Sheep and pigs were rendered unconscious by electrocution before having their throats cut and being bled.


When the halal butcher came he simply cut the sheep's throats without stunning them. I thought that barbaric.


Edit. I'm not bullshitting here. I had a Saturday morning job in a slaughterhouse for about 2 years. Old man Snelson ran a butcher's shop on Kenilworth High Street and his son the slaughterhouse right behind. The meat was fresh and the sausages; tripe; blood pudding and game excellent.

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yeah soubs, you're right. That method is still the main method used today as far as I've read.


The halal or Islamic method:


"A deep swift cut is made instantaneously and quickly to the blood vessels of the neck (the two caroid arteries which carry blood to the brain and head, the two jugular veins which bring blood from the brain back to the heart), the trachea (windpipe) and the oesophagus (gullet), but the central nervous system (the spinal cord) should be kept safe and intact (not cut).


This deep, large cut through all the blood vessels of the neck causes acute blood loss and haemorrhagic shock.


Thus depriving the brain of its main source of oxygen and glucose, and with no blood which is necessary to keep the animal alive and functioning and able to deal with any perceptive sensation this leads to anoxia and almost immediate loss of consciousness (anesthetization or “stunning” ). The cerebrospinal fluid pressure falls even more rapidly than the blood pressure because of the jugular veins being cut, and this results in a deep shock and more loss of consciousness.


The animal, at this stage after the cut, is in a stable and quiet state with no movement or any distressed behavior. One would assume, if there was any pain or suffering, it would kick, move or show signs. After this short resting phase, and because the brain is deprived of oxygen and blood due to the huge amount of bleeding, the heartbeats increase in order to increase the flow of blood to the brain and other deprived areas. Tonic and clonic involuntary contractions and convulsions start and occur as automatic physiological reflexes in order to send and push blood up, especially to the brain. These contractions and convulsions are ‘painless’ (not, as the layman would imagine, that the kicking is due to the pain) especially when the animal is already unconscious and still has an intact spinal cord with safe nerve centers to the limbs, muscles and organs. So, we have a huge amount of bleeding from the initial cut then blood loss is continuing with the squeezing pressure of these contractions and convulsions, leading to maximum bleeding-out and less retention of blood in the carcass, giving a better quality of meat [both safer and healthier (this is like direct method of slaughter, “but without stunning”)]."


In effect, it is claimed the animal feels no pain.



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Some more: quote


"‘The animal loses consciousness immediately. It is difficult to conceive a more painless and rapid mode of death; for a few seconds after the cut is made, the animal makes no movement its body is then convulsed, the convulsive movements continue for about a minute and then cease. The interpretation of this fact is clear: the cut is made by a knife so sharp and so skillfully handled that a state of syncope with its associated unconsciousness follows instantaneously upon the severing of the blood pressure. The movement of the animal which begins at about 90 seconds are epileptiform in nature and are due to the blood-less state of the brain (cerebral ischemia with complete anoxaemia). Sensation has been abolished at the moment of the initial syncope.’ "

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Thanks for that, thursday.


I've never thought it through, just reporting how it was for a '60s yoof.


The halal butcher was a real professional. He killed quickly, efficiently and without struggle. I guess until we get to experience having our throats cut, with and without anaesthesia, we'll never know.

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