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Stuff that is just brilliant in Japan (and you only really notice when you are out of Japan)

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 Originally Posted By: SJForums
Just for the record, SJ did not close the other threads.


True - my bad...

 Originally Posted By: Tubby Beaver
hehehe, I liked the other thread, it was challenging to come up with new words that ppl hadn't posted!!! hehehe

But back on topic, how great is it that you can drink anywhere you like in Japan!!

I saw a guy downing an Asahi Super Dry on the subway at like 2pm...must have been a tough day at the office.
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It was so hot yesterday that my girlfriend and I just sat outside this beer shop all afternoon drinking beer. We drank so much the shop attendant came out with some beer crates for us to sit on!! Quality, who needs a pub when you can just sit anywhere you like drinking great beer?!!

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Another one... clean knives and forks in restaurants. There have been a few times in the last few weeks when I have had less than really clean cutlery. And a nice glass of water brought to you as soon as you sit down.




But I like the UK too.

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I noticed my mum and dad always give their knives and forks a wipe in restaurants with the napkin before eating. Decent places too. I just sent a fork back last night, not having that!

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A man was in a restaurant and he dropped his spoon. The waiter at his table took another spoon out of his pocket and gave it to the man.

The man said, "Thank you" and took a sip of his soup and then asked,


"Excuse me but why do all the waiters have spoons in their pockets?" and the waiter said,


"Well sir a survey in our restaurant showed that 1 in 4 customers drops their spoon just like you, so we give them the spare instead of them eating with the dirty one."


But as the waiter was walking back to the Kitchen the man noticed that there was a string hanging from his flies and the man said,


"Excuse me but why do you, and all the other waiters have a string hanging out of your flies?" and the waiter said,


"Well sir, a survey in our restaurant showed that the waiters can save time and serve more customers, if we do not wash our hands after using the toilet. So we use the string tied to our, you know what, to pull it out of our trousers so we don't get our hands dirty."


Then the man took another sip of his soup and replied,


"That's all very well, but how do you get it back in again?"


"Well I don't know about the others." replied the waiter, "But i use the spoon."

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does anyone know if its possible to get another Sattelite tv companies broadcast in Japan, kinda like the Al-Jazzeera TV that you can get in the UK where they show more football games?

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hahaha, yeah I know. They would've been panned in ages ago, the building would have been set on fire at least 3 times, junkies would've moved in and squatted there leaving their dirty needles everywhere if it had been in the west!

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