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I'm just wondering if anybody knows of a cheap(ish) way to ship 2 board bags from Tokyo to Victoria, Canada? The quotes I've been receiving are up in the 60,000 yen mark which is way to much considering the boards are 2 seasons old.

I shipped them in one bag from Canada to Australia last year and it cost under CA$200 so I can't unerstand the huge jump...maybe just Tokyo prices \:\/

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Yeah, I think selling is the way to go...

The limits on parcel postage are less than the length of the board bag and we're going via Europe so don't really want to lug them with us...

Thanks for the help tho...

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 Originally Posted By: Indo
doesn't the post office have a size limit of 1m?
You could also check with the airline to see if you can pre send stuff as excess baggage.

Just saw the boards in half. Problem solved \:\)
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even better,


anyone know how i can send a board to the UK?


my luggage is way over limit already.


OR.. anyone know how i can send a board from heathrow to a london address?


any help would be wonderful, thank you!

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I've never tried it, but I know that Kuroneko (and pelican) have offices in LA and Singapore (i've seen the trucks), so I have to imagine they do some international shipping. Don't expect it to be cheap like domestic shipping though....

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thank you!


ok, now for a different question..


anyone know how i can get a board from heathrow to inner london without carrying it on public transport?


is there a courier service over there?

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