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I usually go for the cheapest unless it's Aeroflop (are they still going?!) - all the companies seem to be pretty much the same only slight difference in tax calculations.


Where are you going CB?

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A - T - L!!


That's sick!!

Wish I could head home, but looks like it'll be a while.

Be sure to see some shows while out there.


Anyways, I always use IACE travel.

It seems that I always get the best price with them, and I know they have an Atlanta office as I've bought a ticket from that office before so if you have any problems ...


Def. let me know if you fly outta Narita.

BTW havent got those shows out.Gotta get some more CD-Rs to

Burn ya a few STS9 shows I wanna give you. I'll surely get them out this week though.

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thanks for the info. Will def. get up there for a few beers moho if I fly outta Tokio ;\) What shows you got mate? Have you got any of the new moe or panic stuff? I got two panic shows from last month before moving and Jimmy Herring on the guitar shoulda been their first choice anyways...Dave and Tim from Europe is sick as well...

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