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Abe elected as new Japan premier

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Japan inexplicably became beautiful this afternoon.


(They say that there's a mountain village in a remote part of Nara Prefecture where children are brought up exclusively for the purpose of Abe to suck their blood...)

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Every friggin' interview he's blabbering on about this utsukushii crap. It is starting to get really annoying.


Ask your Japanese colleagues what it means. You'll get some fun answers, I did. (One obasan said that it meant lots of new trees and flowers being planted!! lol.gif )

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After Abe made his opening speech, the Communists opined that Abe was going in for dangerous country-building - "kikenna kuni-zukuri". I agree.


And Mr and Mrs Yokota, bless them, think that Abe Souri is going to get their Megumi back for them, but I don't think so. They can't seem to see that all his prancing off to Yasukuni at the first opportunity militates against Megs coming back. Either they can't see it, or they hesitate to say it, especially when the Count has been so soliticous towards them so far (for entirely self-serving political ends). In fact, I'm a bit sick of Mr and Mrs Yokota dominating the approach to NK policy and having their opinion asked all the time, including their response to missile launches as if they were in any way objective about that. They need to see that their needs might not be the same as those of the 125 million other Japanese, and that the Count won't be meeting their needs, nor the needs of the rest of the population.


Let's hope the wise Japanese people notice that Abe's fingernails never stop growing before the next election...

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so on the topic of the next election, when is it? will Abe serve his full two years of term or will he do the right thing and allow the japanese people to decide upon their leader?

my experience back home with similar party leader changes has been that within 6 months of the change, a general election is called. granted usually it is prompted by heavy opposition rhetoric. however democracy, from a ceremonial perspective at the very least, is served. is this likely to happen here?

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Aside from arranging an early summit with China, Abe's looking very conservative if you read the news these days. It's in his resume... and he's talking about fostering 'patriotism' and 'nationalism'... and appointing conservative friends in high places who seem to be spreading a dark cloud over Japan. The new minister of education for example just delivered a major speach in which he said a number of crazy things which very much relate to my situation and probably a lot of you guys also. His name is Ibuki and his background is unrelated to education but he got the post because he's friends with Abe. I'm sure that any Japanese English teachers who are inclined to have opinions don't like him very much. Plus,sources within the ministry who shall remain nameless say that he's a conservative, negative, stubborn arse. thumbsdown.gif

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Somehow I think the early summit with China and Korea are designed to provoke an inevitable rebuff so he can be justified in pursuing his nationalism. He's no doubt learned the 'subtle' art of neocon diplomacy.

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As long as he keeps Koizumi's domestic reforms chugging along, I'd be on the happier side. Economic and cultural ties with Korea and China are strengthening every year at the grassroots level, despite whatever posturing the three governments do. But talk is better than no talk between them, so that's a plus too.

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Abe is a legacy politician just like George W. Take away the family name (grandfather, Granduncle, Father) and history i.e the Legacy and both of them would have really struggled to make office at the top on their own merits.

Abe has a short 13 year of experience in Politics.

Abe is a Nationalist, a stirrer of national patriotism - something he believes will cure social ills. He wants to strengthen US ties, something Washington will love. He is an LDP team player, unlike Koizumi.

There is speculation he wants to raise Tax and tinker with the constitution to allow a more dominant role overseas for Japan.

He has some odd views like his denial of the use of comfort woman during WWII, his belief the Class A war criminals are not criminals under domestic law. He a school textbook whitewash supporter.

He opposed the amendment to the imperial throne.


Ask a 'Mary apron strings' uninfromed middle aged woman about him and they will say " Oh he is so handsome" ask them a about his political direction and they have zero clue.



Minoru Morita a political commentator has this to say "I think he is the most dangerous politician in Japan, of all the 700 diet members he is the most right wing, the hottest and most nationalist, he is the kind of politician that could lead us to war"


So in conclusion 2pints mate is he a good guy? the answer is I dont think so.

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hehe, I should have done bit more research before quoting a nutter, 'Time' thought he had enough credentials to be worthy of a mention, guess they were angling for the most extreme view from the left in their Devils Advocate style piece.



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"Abe's not pure evil, as with most politicians his positives and negatives must be weighed accordingly."


I like the idea of domestic reforms as well, but i suspect there is more posturing going on than significant change. Moreover, these types of reforms are certainly the mark of someone with an ulterior motive.

Perhaps the slant is too reactionary, and I don't have the advantage of reading about this in Japanese, but this is certainly PURE EVIL.

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I read that one yesterday too Daver, corroborated the story in Time.

"cultivate a respect for tradition and culture, and love for the nation and homeland that have fostered them."
hmmm hes not the first chap in history with such ideas, the same theme pops up again and again.


"For the losers in this (school testing)competition, dissatisfaction will fester," the education professor said. "Society will fall apart. To fix it, the government will push the Hinomaru flag and 'Kimigayo' national anthem to integrate (the losers) into the 'beautiful country,' and compel them to toe the national line."
Oh yeah, thats going to work, hey you dummy, stand to attention salute the flag, sing the damn song and pull your socks up! - which planet are these morons from?


"Hidetsugu Yagi, a professor of law at Takasaki City University of Economics in Gunma Prefecture and a former president of the conservative Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform, which has been at the center of the textbook controversy for its junior high school texts that downplay Japan's wartime aggression.


He reckons tough action is exactly what is needed.


"Kids today have too many holidays," Yagi said. "Summer vacation should be shortened to have students attain minimum academic capabilities."


He said firms also want kids' holidays cut so they will have more time to learn skills needed for the modern economy."

Exactly! kids are so bloody lazy these days, too many holidays too much fun, more learning is exactly what is needed! rolleyes.gif

I wonder how such supposedly intelligent educated men can hold such archaic thinking? their rigid old school idealism wont work, now that people have more freedom and choice in their lives, they wont put it back back in the box.


This Abe chap is starting to irritate me, time perhaps for an entry in the SJ thread for such "vexators"

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