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Originally Posted By: Man_In_Japan
Originally Posted By: Karnidge

Tell me more about EA Active 2 Rob, a Move title is it?

Na it uses 3 different heart rate monitors to calculate calories burned, motion tracking and also your heart rate. It also comes with a large resistance band, which you can use by itself or in conjunction with some weights if you have them lying about.

You can set up different "training" schedules, and I have gone for the full 9 week training, and so far, have had 2 good, solid "workouts" of about 1hr in length. It also tracks everything you do and also gives you trophies if you are that way inclined.

Now I know there are going to be some skeptics who say, well it's not as good as going to the gym etc etc, but personally I don't have time to go to the gym, get changed, find a machine, etc etc. It would take me about 2 hours in total, to get everything done. This game means I can come home, get changed, do some exercise, and have a shower, which you will need!, and burn about 500 calories in one session.

If you have a spare 15quid lying about, and have access to zavvi, and want to try it out, I would recommend it.

Sounds a bit too serious for my ps3 to attend. wink
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Originally Posted By: klingon
Do you get some bonus Fun levels if you burn up a certain amount? wink

You do - you get some football levels, basketball levels and also some mountain biking levels (crouch/squat to go faster).

Did another workout today on this game and weighed myself when I got home from work. Have already "lost" about 0.5kgs, perhaps from this or the combination of eating healthier and drinking slightly less. wink

Lots of strength building done today, such as crunches with punches, which were pure pain. No pain, no exercise or something like that.
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Originally Posted By: klingon
Originally Posted By: Karnidge
Looking forward to the Star Fox 64 3DS game... might even get me to splash out on one.

That was a great game.
The original Star Fox 64 I mean.

Friend has it.
Made me want one of these machines now.
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"While North American audiences won't be getting their mitts on Sony's sleek new handheld til sometime next year, Japanese audiences don't have much longer to wait. Sony's next system launches in its home territory on December 17th."


Just announced.


Will it be region locked in any way? That is the question.

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