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Though it might be easier to start a new thread and keep it all in one place.


I went to the hosp yesterday and the doc said we are probably having a boy (but it's early days so he said he couldn't be 100% sure).


Cheeseman and Davo - do you know what you're having yet?

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Definitely skiing. Then you can train him to pull you along the flat sections, so you don't have to unclip.

We wait for obsolescence   Just really hope he grows up OK.

Baby number two.   GirlInJapan  

They count the first day of your last period as the start of week one so when you ovulate and conceive two weeks later you are actually already 2 weeks pregnant.

A pregnancy is an average of 38 weeks from conception to birth so in Japan it's 40 weeks, divided into 10 x 4week months - which is where they get the 10 month pregnancy idea from.

Actually I think the States works on a 40 week basis too but it's 38weeks in the UK so I was confused at first.

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Thanks for that me jane. I knew about the 10 months but had never had it explained like that before. And here's me just thinking Japanese babies are different. (Of course). ;\)


So whats it like being pregnant then? Any weird stories? Are you eating beef with jam and nutty stuff like that?

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aaaah, that's why they say it's 10 months. I was thinking it was 9 months and when they corrected me I thought, 'wow, I have no clue as to what I'm talking about!'

now I feel a bit better \:\)

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Originally posted by rach:

So whats it like being pregnant then? Any weird stories? Are you eating beef with jam and nutty stuff like that?
That's a good question Rach, because I have been conducting my own little study on pregnant women... and their eating habits..
Me jane, hitting the tim tams? one for me... one for baby!?
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Lots of wierd things happening. The most stressful one is puking and having headaches everyday even though I haven't had any alcohol! Get dizzy spells too though I haven't actually passed out anywhere yet.


Foodwise nothing has really changed except the quantities. Quite worried about putting on too much weight. Not hungry at all but constant eating is the only thing which seems to stop me feeling sick.

Been eating more salty stuff than usual and have taken to putting salt on toast with butter which I guess is pretty wierd. Tastes good to me though!


Started feeling what might be kicks in the last few weeks...kind of feels like gas rumbling through my gut though so not too sure!

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My wife didn't crave anything during her 2 pregs, but she did like to drink lemon (fresh) water and other sour things and only put on 6-7kg's (including bub)

Alot of OZ/US/UK ladies I have known when preggas have craved sweets like chockies, cakes etc.. and have hit 20kg..


Is it more of a mental thing? eg when you have a smoke, some people get the MUNCHIES because it's so talked about.. so could some of these cravings be the same?

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You might be right. I've heard that before too. I was taking prenatal vitamins for the three months before we conceived and then up until wk 9 but I started throwing up and they were making it worse so I stopped. Once the puking stops I'll start taking them again.


I heard that about ginger too - I've been eating & drinking it in all forms but I'm not sure if it helps. Basically while I am eating (doesn't matter what) I don't feel sick. Have been worried about weight gain so eating things like plain ice chips at when home but they are a bit difficult to store at work.


Japanese drs recommend weight gain of 7 to 10kgs, Western drs used to recommend the same but have since upped it to 10 to 15kgs as long term research has shown (in the west) that gaining to little can increase the risk of heart disease in the baby when he reaches his 30's or 40's. The average weight gain in the States is 20 -30kgs but that is not recommended! I don't think there is any right or wrong weight gain, it depends on the individual's body size, structure and pre-pregnancy weight. My midwife told me a kg a month is good and I've put on 5kg at 4 and a 1/2 J-months so I guess I'm doing okay. Still feel huge though. Your body slows down its digestion so that the baby can get all the nutrients so most people get constipated (I'm not!), and get a lot of gas and bloating (definitely got that!).

I don't think the cravings are something that happen because they are talked about. They are caused by all hormones raging around the body and all the other changes going on inside. I haven't had any wierd ones and everyone is so different. There is actually a medical condidtion (I forget the name) where people crave really wierd things like dirt or washing powder. In some cases it requires hospitalization.


Well, by the time I've given birth SJer's will all be pregnancy experts! Thanks for reading!

Davo & Cheeseman, would love to hear your/your wives takes on all this.

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Umeboshi is also good for nausea - you can also get umeboshi extract, which is stronger (have a little bit as is, or put it in hot water and drink). Eating ume plums might tie in with your salt cravings. I hoe into them if I ever feel nausea.

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I know someone who went to for a check-up here in Japan and the doctor told her that the baby was doing fine but the mother was getting too fat. She was put on a diet during her pregnancy. I had never heard of that before.


They usually can spot a boy weks before they say it is a girl. I think they count fingers and then when they end up with 11 it must be a boy or something.

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I've heard of the condition too me jane.. straight jacket stuff!


Sanno, we could spot my boy very easily he was sitting with it all hanging out for all to see on the ultrasound (and his 2 peanuts!)

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I wonder how many people want to find out the sex of the baby before it's born these days. I guess if it's your first child it makes sense, because you would need to buy everything from scratch.

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It doesn't really matter unless you don't have gradn parents Nicole. (buying vlothes that is) Just get yellow or white.


We found out the first time but kept it to ourselves. The second time my wife had to have an Amniocentesis as it was thought that our 2nd was to have Down Syndrome. Again, we kept it to ourselves.

Some people find out, decide the name and tell everyone before bubs is born, and thats cool, though I think spoils the suprise abit.

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When our first was born, the doctor asked us if we wanted to know if it was a boy or girl. We said no - he proceeded to do an ulra sound and told us it was a boy...

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