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Killer's IQ to decide fate?

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The life of a convicted murderer hangs in the balance while a jury in the US considers if his intelligence has increased enough on Death Row to allow him to be executed.


Daryl Atkins was named in a landmark Supreme Court ruling in 2002 that said it was unconstitutional to execute the mentally ill.


The 27 year old's IQ was tested in 1998 and was found to be 58, well below the legal threshold of 70 at which a person is deemed mentally unfit in the state of Virginia.


But when he was retested, his IQ had risen to 74.


He faces a lethal injection if he is ruled mentally fit.

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Originally posted by sakebomb:
quote: That's why Americans are so stupid. As soon as they get a bit smarter, they're executed.
That is the funniest call I have heard in a longtime!! lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif to that \:\)
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I'm not sure that comment will universally be considered funny...


Background: I had just been reading a news item on Yahoo about how electricity prices were soaring with the high temperatures in the US. The whole tone of the article was stupid. The comments of the people they interviewed were stupid. All these people, shocked and surprised that they had to pay - to PAY - to keep their enormous houses as cold as the inside of a refigerator. Not only that, but their garages and dog-pounds too.


And then I read that they're going to put down some guy who got a little bit brighter, in spite of the fact that his crime was committed when he was a typical dumbass. What planet is this nation on?

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Well, the US does have the highest percentage of inmates in the civilized world, though maybe the word civilized here is an oxymoron. We kill people left, right, and center and enjoy it just like the Romans enjoyed the colosseum.


And, to wonder why were killin a retarded person is just wasting your time. Its purely revenge.


I wonder if theyll ever bring back lapidation or crushing. That must be one hell of a way to go eek.gif


What do you thinks goin on in that modern-day gulag at Guantánamo Bay??? \:\(

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Once you've been sitting around for 10 years knowing that one day somebody is going to come and deliberately and methodically kill you with the full authority of the State, it probably doesn't matter much whether they inject you like a dog or break you on the wheel. The grimmer the method of education, the more educational it is for the society at large.

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