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Went to that every year when at uni. with our rugby team!! Awsome event and usually preceeded and followed by copius amounts of alcohol!! Akin to chasing logs down the hill here in Japan!! :p


Cheeseman....you would love it, or is it cheese abuse??

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GG- was a venerated cheeseman of my time!!! Actually coach from the rugby team was part of the organisers panel and so we always got invited down to take a tumbel!


Akibun- Thanks for the concern...only once had an injury and that was to my shoulder, but usually padded up in rugby shirts and just running as fast as you can down a hill ended up in us falling over near the start or in a heap on someone else! the grass is usally pretty soft and wet too! Just wicked fun in all!!

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As you all know, cheese is not in the least bit dangerous. It is lots of other things. For example, delicious, nutritious, fun for all the family. But not dangerous.


I don't think that goes as far as cheese abuse. Perhaps the people tumbling down the hill are abusing themselves in a way. For their love of cheese!

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