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Question for foreigner - do you miss home?

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I was wondering? I think I would miss Japan and gfamily and everything very much if I lived in a foreign country (even thoug I might really love living in the foreign country).


Can you tell me?

Thanks aki

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Do I miss certain things about home?? Of course...but I guess I don't really miss home itself...

The only time I have felt home-sick since being in japan was on Sep. 11 and the month that followed...too far away, too disconected, too helpless...


otherwise, I enjoy being abroad...



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What I generally miss about home are the people. Japan has so many things to offer that the USA doesn't at time:

- Leave the car unlocked most of the time

- Train to anywhere and it is on time

- Cans of hot coffee everywhere

- Friendly culture

- Great skiing


Just to name a few. So you add this and many more things and it is great living over here.

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Yes I do quite a bit at times. Apart from my close family, I have good friends back home. I feel I have 2 homes - here in Japan and back at my (for want of a better word) "real" home. I have to go back at least once a year to get a home topup.

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While I'm happy in Japan, there are still loads of things I miss about Britain. Aside from my family, it has nicer countryside than Japan (though no high mountains) and you are far more likely to meet people who are reasonably informed and interested about what is going on in the world. Other stuff that I miss includes the sense of humour, the readiness of women to show their intelligence, and the comparative ease with which you can go overseas. For boarding trips in Japan you could always substitute weekends in Amsterdam, Brussels, etc.


Thanks to the Internet, certain things I used to miss (Sunday papers, specialized radio shows, bookshops) don't matter anymore.

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Hell yes. Miss home everyday.


If it weren't for my wonderful girlfriend, nice paying job and great friend badmigraine I would be long gone.


The unfortunate thing about coming from NZ is that everything you have here in Japan in terms of recreative activities you can have in NZ for a lot less and more ease.


Still like miteyak, everything I own and have worked to build has been here and therefore Japan is my second home.


S#$t gettign homesick just writing this! frown.gif


BTW, How long has everybody been in Japan? Me, I am coming on 6 years.


[This message has been edited by mogski (edited 06 September 2002).]

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I miss the family, the weather (honest), friends, food, cows and sheep, rolling green hills, scenery, general things. But I like Japan too!

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11 years in Japan - Home has been Osaka, Otsu, Kofu, Suwa, soon Matsuyama maybe.


I'm not a real Japanophile or anything, but I don't enjoy that 'expat' culture much either (the Foreign Buyer's Club newsletters used to make me squirm, as did Kansai Time Out).


Cows and sheep, we got 'em here in Nagano.

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According to a fried who once worked there, FBC's most top selling product is ....


Diet Coke


The second most popular ....




Sounds like Japan could do with a few more vending machines....

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I miss my family more as I get older but I have family here as well so it's not so bad. There are plenty of amazing NZ lifestyle things I miss but things are pretty good here most of the time-although some days I would rather be anywhere other than Japan as it's so monocultural that it can be overwhelming. I look forward to living somewhere more relaxed and multicultural one day.

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yeah I find Japan to be not very diverse even though I live in Osaka where there's a lot of ethnic/cultural diversity compared to the boonies. Maybe monocultural is the wrong term but Japan isn't and never will be multicultural unlike where I'm from and have lived before. Just saying I miss that atmosphere and diversity.

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