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Anyone else here like Bond movies. I grew up with them so I really enjoy them even now. I just heard the new Madonna theme song for the new on, Die Another Day. It's kind of wierd and not really Bond like. Hmmm.


Anyone seen that xXx movie?

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Yes, I like Bond too. Both the movies of that theme as well as the sexy string quartet! (also known as Vanessa Mae x 4)


Haven't seen the new "Madonna" Bond film yet, but will be sure to check it out when it gets to Hong Kong.

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Always liked bond.


Amongst many other silly nights we used to have at uni, we held an annual Bondage day and night. The aim was to watch every bond film made. Did it 4 years running, same group of fools each year. All the usual uni condiments were a big part of teh day.

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Markie, you silly glumf[1] there was no bondage. It was just our silly name for it. Besides, it was only blokes. Even if the girls did come they wouldn't drink the home brew any way.


We also had the Jelly Baby Marathon, in which we would watch Doctor Who for 24 hours and eat Jelly Babies (the time travelers favourite snack).


The Bondage events where the best of the tv events in my opinion.


We never had Star Trek nights.


[1] user friendly expletive.

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Doctor Who? Wow, I almost completely forgot about that one. Thanks for digging it back out from oblivion.

Is your "Doctor Who" version the same as mine? The one I used to watch, travelled around in a telephone box, but I think there was another updated series where he traveled in something else.

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I only know the science tripper that travelled in the old blue telephone (bobby?) box, same one you are talking about.


The dude with the scarf and big afro was best of all the Doctors.


As for bond - he provided some of the best 80's skiing footage. He even had a Union Jack parachute.

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Yes, I must say I loved that old geyser with the Afro hair. And the music is still ringing in my ears.


O.K. deebee. Then this means that you were watching some pretty old re-runs or else, without letting out any secrets, you are of an age in my proximity!

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Doctor Who? One of those things, it's best not to see it again otherwise any natsukashii feelings might be shattered when you learn what a pile of dross it really was. Best to keep the fond childhood memories instead of spoiling it.

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I like Bond.


The new one is the 40th anniversary and 20th movie, looks like they're going all out to make a good one. Lots of gadgets from old movies in the background, Halle Berry coming out of the sea in a bikini just like in Dr No, etc. Just done a search to try and find a pic online but couldn't. But she looks good.


Sounds like fun.

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New one looks cool - looks like they're going back to fantastic elements, ie crazy villain who wants to blow the world up with a ""laser"". What the #$?% was all that newspaper crap in the last one, he wanted the publicity?? :p

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Isn't it funny how one thought leads you to another to another.


Saw Bond and thought of a scene in Trainspotting, where Renton (Ewan MacGregor) and Pretty Boy (Johhny Lee Miller) are discussing Sean Connery and Ewan shoots the punks dog.

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