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Sorry Aki... it is a saying/idiom that implies that a topic or comment will reveal a far more twisted and tangled set of facts and theories. A "can of worms" usually contains disagreement and contentious opinions.

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HELL NO! whats the point in believing in somthing thats not real!


every religous person i know is a HYPOCRIT if i ever mean a real christain or what ever then i might think bout it but.....


you can still ever answer me...."y aarent we all mentally ill or deformed if adam and eve made everyone we'd all be inbread.....!" and "were did dinosaurs come from??"


God Smod....


sure can of worms!


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I am not "religious", although I have a deep respect for my religious heritage and history...


religious fanatics bother me as much as those who are fanatically anti-religion...


what is "real" is not the issue...

there is much to be learned from religion, both good and bad...


I could go on...



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Originally posted by Raury:
with bhuddist (sp?) leanings
Mate, how can you claim buddhist learnings if you cant even spell it? \:D

Dont take it personally, I am in a chipper mood today and have been giving a bit of stick all 'round.

(I spell like a 6 year old so I really cant comment).
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deebee, look at the time man.


I had all the right letters there, but no matter how I arranged them it didn't look right.


A bit like guard gaurd guard, oh to hell with it garda (as seen on Eire police cars)

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I think thats a pretty good answer. I was raised Catholic but have many problems with the teachings. I think, as people, we have to take the basic foundations of any religion, and make the best of them. Taking the middle path I find is best and have found more spirituality in myself when reading books on taoism, buddhism, and confucionism than anything in the bible. Finally, I think GOD is too big to fit in one religion. Saw it on a bumersticker years ago but never forgot it. The extremes of anything are the worst.

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