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erai - is it erai or not?

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I often here "erai" when people are talking about other people. I thought it meant "great" but many times people seem to use it just for superiors at work, or stars or something. Can someone explain it to me?

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erai means 'in a position of authority'. 'Chotto erai hito'

It also means 'great'. 'Erai!!'

And 'extremely'. 'Erai dekai hanbaag'

When you stick 'so' on, to get 'eraso', it means arrogant. 'Erasona yatsu'


So there you go.

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A quite innocent "admirable/great" in some cases. People who do voluntary work are erai with no nasty overtones. Watch for the signals to see whether the word's being used to indicate excessive pride, not someone's achievements or position.


In certain dialects (western Japan?) erai also means "tired" as in "worn out" not "sleepy".

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