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Posts posted by foreversnow

  1. YEP still bucketing with rain, we had about 500mm last night and the night before. Everywhere is flooded. Guess I will get the day off as I am flooded in YAHOO - Day off today, Tomorrow is a public holiday and if the rain keeps up that will mean Friday off as well EXTRA LONG WEEKEND!!! :banner:

  2. Chriselle just dump him !! My husband tells me every year that I am TO SLOW and that he is going off to do his own thing. So him and my friends all disappear and I spend the day exploring and making friends and then go and a have a drink by myself to celebrate my acheivements for the day.


    Maybe just tell him you'll meet him every couple of hours and do a couple of runs with him. He'll enjoy that. :thumbsup:

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