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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by zdlfskdladealijfsxdfk

  1. Fantastic games are the PGR ones. There's a free demo of GT5 Prologue on PS3 from today btw.
  2. I found out yesterday that the basic docomo monthly charges have been cut 50% - but you need to actually apply for it to be valid. It's really easy to do, just phone them up (151) and it takes a few minutes, can be done over the phone. On the plan I'm on, I'll be saving just nearly 1500 yen a month. That sounds like a few beers to me. I think the only possibly minus is that if you quit within 2 years, you will need to pay some charge. Not sure of the details of that. I just thought I would share this for anyone with a docomo keitai and not aware of this cost saving.
  3. Where am I now? Back where I was before summer.... at work
  4. Can someone simply explain it, went there and was soon overloaded..
  5. Went to see Die Hard 4.0. Apart from the silly name (heard it was less silly but more "patriotic" name in the Stats), was enjoyable.
  6. Are we all out of rainy season yet? August, you'd have thought so....
  7. Fort William in itself isn't a particularly nice town - wonderful surroundings though.
  8. Quote: Hot selling drugs at Crazy Discount! Over 58,235 satisfied customers hjq 58,235?!? Must be good!
  9. Some people who have only just met me seem to think it's ok to call me Billy. (My real name is Bill or William to my mum). Why do some people insist on shortening names without permission. It annoys me. Not keen on fusky either.
  10. I want to know more about the people who do all this spam bullshit and what they get from it. I just don't understand it.
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