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Everything posted by dizzy

  1. LOL "purple jacket" don't forget about those pants, though i have no compassion for them.
  2. 10 meters? WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA? the drop itself was like a 1 meter rock with 1 meter of snow on it with a 1 or 2 meter drop in the runout good morning w/ u guys
  3. stunts, are u gonna get your car painted white with the SHINOBI stencil on it? u should
  4. Burton has the Espionage Ninja Clava: too bad they don't carry it in white
  5. good TR!! The Poach Ninja strikes again! The middle of the "heart" part looks like a big piece of poo. The Poach Ninja has pooed here
  6. poach ninja #1, thanks for all the hospitality last weekned. dan and risa are looking to go this weekend. i'll pm you his phone number
  7. Originally Posted By: Kumapix I ran to my car and snagged the noboard and went and rode with them. They had all seen me on tv so they were all like 'no-bo-do! no-bo-do!' they all wanted a go It would have made a great photo but unfortunately had no camera and noone to shoot for me sometimes you just can't be bothered with pictures. but you'll remember playing with those kids that day for the rest of your life.
  8. one thing you can do kraut, is buy a "non-reserved ticket." there are 3 of the train cars that are non-reserved, which mean no reserved seat. you go to the platform and stand in the non-reserved cars. for tokyo-nagano, these are train cars 1, 2, and 3. if you line up ahead of time, you'll get a seat. good luck!
  9. Two separte incidents this weekend: 1. Tsugaike (Hakuba, Nagano) 2. Osoran(Hiroshima) Kraut, the Goryu Ridge (Hakuba, Nagano) slide, as TJ reported ending in a rescue was from last week Thursday. The snowpack is not stable at the moment.
  10. Copied from the Hakuba Now Page: You may have already heard of the avalanche that happened at Tsugaike Ski area. This was a slide on the resort that slid from permanently closed terrain and ran across the cat track that was also closed do to avalanche hazard. There was a group of beginner snow boarders that ducked the rope into the cat track and was struck by the size 2.5 slide on the cat track. All people were found however 2 of the victims were taken off the mountain yesterday in comas and all reports state that they are still in coma. The lesson to be learned here is that signs p
  11. good to ride with u that day at cortina i love the No Patrol/No Entry shot with our tracks. and the shot of me the second one! Ben
  12. just saw on NHK news an avalanche at Tsugaike at least 3 rescued 2 women unconscious 1 man conscious can hakuba peeps confirm? be safe out there everyone
  13. you can always repair and get "things" glad you're ok, ewok!!
  14. We've rented a 4WD Toyota Wagon and have room for two more, plus their gear. me, dan, and our gfs are driving up to Hakuba, leaving Friday at 7:30 pm from a station on JR Chuo Line. if you don't know who dan is, he is toque's old touring mate. Costs are estimated to be cheaper than a round-trip shinkansen train / bus to Hakuba per person. Split rental, road tolls, and gas. We are staying at (where else?) Hakuba Powder Lodging. We'll depart Hakuba before 5 pm on Sunday to get the rental car back by 10 pm. Email my cell phone as I can't view SJ during the day. alphanumer
  15. yeah, i threw down for the SHINSHU only apple flavor and the KOSHIN (where on earth is that?) only grape flavor. i thought i'd make up for sleeping in and being lazy by ingesting copious amounts of nagano chocolate.
  16. the latest issue of BACKCOUNTRY magazine has an article about a new digging technique developed by, if memory serves, a Swiss guy. He suggests diggers proportional to buried depth. Diggers form an "A" w/ the apex of the "A" at the probe/victim. Diggers shovel w/o doing so many lifting movements, which increases fatigue. And this article was published.
  17. There's courier service (YAMATO KURO NEKO "BLACK CAT") right after you get out of customs. Look for green and yellow banners. Luggage usually arrives the next day. The airport shouldn't be so crowded at that time of the day...maybe an hour to get through fingerprinting immigration and customs... http://www.jorudan.co.jp/english/ plug "Narita-Airport" and "Hakuba" for shink "Narita-Airport" and "Nagano" for shink to Nagano. Then you've got a 60-minute bus to "Happo Bus Terminal" (1,500yen one way). For example, Skyliner No. 22 Departs Narita-Aiport 15:59, Arrives Keisei
  18. Sahoro Resort in Tomamu, Hokkaido has the reputation of the coldest place in Japan. It's definitely the windiest place I've been to in Japan, as windy as a nipple-freezing winter day in Chicago. but nagano rocks with vert and terrain.
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