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Everything posted by tantrum

  1. Quote: Originally posted by TheOrange: Out of interest, are resorts down there busy - waiting for lifts etc? They definitely can be. Especially the main lifts at the bottom of the mountain. ski.com.au is the place to look for sure. I've been to all of the main Australian resorts - I like Thredbo the most. I haven't been to NZ, but there are two factors you might want to consider - almost all accommodation is off-mountain, and there are no trees to ride in. Some people care about these I guess... from what I've heard, all other snow aspects of NZ beat Australia though. If you're co
  2. Cool tips, thanks. We're probably only into a limited amount of hiking and my wife loves onsens, so we're definitely going to have a look in at Nozawa. Thanks again...
  3. Ah well, by northern Honshu I pretty much meant north of Tokyo. Looking more closely at the map, I think I should even make it north of Aichi. We're pretty flexible. Thanks for the tips though - I'll check them out!
  4. Snowboarder. Started in 2000 and now snowboarded in 5 countries (I'm racing a friend on who can ski/snowboard in the most places). Have never skied.
  5. Hi! We're visiting Japan in 2005 for the 3rd year in a row, to spend a week in Niseko and do some other travelling around. This time we'd like to spend a week visiting some other resorts, either in Hokkaido or northern Honshu. A road trip is probably the least preferred option - I was wondering if someone could suggest a good base for visiting several different resorts within the week. It would need to have good transport to the resorts and preferably be a reasonably interesting place in itself, because we will have a 20-month old baby to look after and either mum or dad might w
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