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Tubby Beaver

SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by Tubby Beaver

  1. I just watched Jeremy Jones' "Higher".....brilliant. More a documentary than your usual snowboard movie which I actually prefer......yep, I need the season to start soon
  2. You make a good point, Pies.....I may need to re-classify!!
  3. well no, monkeys have tails and apes do not. They are a bit like monkeys in that they have fur and forward pointing eyes, but then so do lions
  4. Season pass has just been delivered.....stoke level has just hit Defcon 2!!
  5. sun is out with scattered clouds today, not so cold tho
  6. Is the sumo on in Tokyo at that time Big Al? It moves around the country, I'm not sure of the schedule, but a loooooong time ago when I was first here, my friends visited in September-October time and I took them to the sumo in Tokyo. Pretty much anywhere within the Yamanote line circle gives you easy/good access to anywhere else in Tokyo. Shinjuku is a good spot because a number of lines intersect there, giving you good travel options as well as loads of restaurants, bars etc
  7. Teine Rusutsu Hopefully a day or two at Kiroro and Kokusai and maybe Niseko......
  8. Gorgeous bluebird day in Sapporo......gazing up to the white slopes of Teine.....won't be so long now
  9. Mmmm......greasy Costco pizza!! I had 2 giant slices on Sunday as a hangover buster
  10. A Machine,controlled by a computer, cuts the timber, stands for Computer Numerical Control
  11. big flakes of wet snow falling today when I got up……top of cars has a white, slushy layer on them Of course nothing else is sett;ling and it'l turn to rain soon enough, but happy to see a tinge of white return to the streets
  12. Very wet snow has been falling on and off all day in Sapporo......maybe a bit more consistent up at Teine
  13. Pretty cold day today, weather has been all over the shop, mainly stormy, alternating between rain and very wet snow
  14. A rare shake in Hokkaido....Mag 4.6, Sapporo area only a shindo 1 or 2
  15. is that the one when Costner is a successful businessman…….and a serial killer?
  16. Watching a food programme.......annoys the life out of me the faces they pull and the over the top "sugoi's" and "umai's" they shout.....then the close up of the food, the way they shake it.......
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