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Everything posted by pie-eater

  1. Never heard of this 'Shi Myokokogan' station. Or actually 'Shi Odawara Tubby' station either. Jolly silly names. Better tell JR - they don't seem to have heard of them either!
  2. That may be wise, Tubby. I'm not sure that lions play with their bits like monkeys and apes do either. They're certainly not as "comical".
  3. I got some of that today. I will report
  4. Next week, the benefits and greatness of Japanese power lines. Enhancing the scenery, and generally being ace.
  5. I reckon even Shinzo can't do much for us in that score. Good chance to watch some Shakey videos and documentaries online though.
  6. Tim Cook has come out as being gay. (Hurray, I'm so glad I picture that scene now!) But hold on, rumour has it that he'll re-release in 8 months time with a few added features.
  7. Well, that's surely jolly good to hear, Tubby. They look happy and full of beans too.
  8. Me too! You'd think that at least they would be more careful than usual if they stuck around. Especially of that creepy music started playing in the background! And/or if they wanted to have teen sex.
  9. Let's say that you mean at least 2000 times, given the plural: At 136 minutes length that's 2000 x 136 minutes = 272,000 minutes. That's a total of over 188 full days watching The Rock. I suppose the exact total would depend on whether you watch all the credits at the end or not. And just how many thousands of times you have watched it.
  10. I liked his big ear lobes, which made him look like a bit of a bhudda dude, which was cool.
  11. I think you jolly well got it wrong there. Michael Myers was not fictional, what nonsense!! His somewhat disturbing story was clearly laid out in the documentary called 'Halloween'... said documentary also featured Blofeld. Presumably before he went to Japan.
  12. Did our great leader Shinzo approve the Tokyo Sky Tree? If so I can only jolly well think that it is a fabulous idea. Even if it isn't really a tree.
  13. I can understand if great big chunks of ice were falling down, but soft and fluffy snow!!
  14. One big problem I have with it is that it's not really a tree is it. Which makes it all jolly confusing. And Blackpool Tower is more fun.
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