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SnowJapan Member
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About bobby

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  1. Xbox rocks, and getting better all the time.
  2. I'm so jealous of you guys being over there Anyone got a place to sleep if I make the trip?
  3. Boarding for 4 years. In the US. Not in Japan Would like to go to Japan
  4. Hi there. This is an interesting place. I'm a snowboarder and often think about taking the trip to Japan, maybe one day. Anyway, nothing to do with winter sports, I'm just interested in a few Japanese culture points. Here's one. Is it true that (extra-marital/sexual) affairs are commonplace in Japan? Just doing a study, you know
  5. I live in London but am hoping to take a holiday out to Tokyo next January to stay with a mate living over there.
  6. I'm a skier until now and a bit interested in checking out a snowboard next season.
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