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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by r45

  1. I have still never been to Kyoto. Really want to.
  2. Seems so obvious now, but didn't realize you could do that. Cheers mate.
  3. Or is that cookies. Whatever. I like Bourbons and Fig Rolls.
  4. 3 months  全国的に11月の気温は平年並みとなる見込み。12月と1月は、北太平洋のアリューシャン低気圧が日本寄りで発達し、西高東低の冬型の気圧配置が強まるとみられ、気温が平年並みか平年より低くなると予想されている。  【11月】次第に冬型の気圧配置が現れるようになる。  【12月】全国的に寒気の影響を受けやすい。  【1月】平年と比べて、日本海側では曇りや雪、雨の日が多く、太平洋側では晴れの日が多い見込み。
  5. good to hear. wonder how much they would do if you had any grievences
  6. I've never heard of anyone being stopped by police for a search. None of my friends are dodgy looking though.
  7. Tons of info on that label! I see bottom left is recommended (?) temperature
  8. How do they know it's spammers?
  9. That's a whole 3 months after the release in US. I'm going to write to the Daily Mail. Or the Japanese equivelant.
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