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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by joshnii

  1. Do some analysis of snow, if you search for them one will find.
  2. Recently I have been getting up and starting the day earlier. About an hour earlier actually. I must say, it makes a big difference. I'd even go as far as saying that the days seem about an hour longer!! I might continue doing this, until I get tired.
  3. Is there a kind of car that police use to hide and then surprise you?
  4. Is this something that just passes on or something?
  5. Well it is something that Japanese people will actually ask and be confused about.
  6. On the local news just now, they're telling people to wear masks and try not to go outside.
  7. Well I would guess that with the distinct lack of very nice lawns here in Japan, it's not an easy or cheap job keeping them looking lovely.
  8. It's pretty scary though when youy think it's nearly February.
  9. Michael Schumacher, an extremely wealthy man amongst wealthy men; an expert skier; a regular at the ski resort, where he owns his own chalet....... was using rental skis?
  10. Yeah but that was obviously just a stupid thing to do wasn't it!
  11. No, not a relative of muikabochi or tokabochi, but a phenm of 64.5% of people spending Christmas Ibu alone. No doubt scoffing Kentucky. 1人きりでイブ過ごす「クリぼっち」64・5% 「聖夜」はパートナーと過ごすからこそ、財布のヒモも緩みがちだ。しかし、肝心の相手がいなければ消費活動にもつながらない。  レストラン予約サイトが20~30歳代の男女約1800人を対象にした「クリスマスディナー」に関する調査では、男性70%、女性58%が「付き合っている人がいない」と回答。男女平均で、64・5%がイブに恋人がいないとみられるという。  若者の間では、イブを1人きりで過ごすことを、一人ぼっちにかけて「クリぼっち」と呼ぶのが定着している。予約サイトの市場調査担当者は「若者はパートナーがいなければ、クリスマスでもお金はかけないのでは」と予測する。しかし、若者にとっても豪華なクリスマスは憧れのはずだとして、担当者は「まずは『クリぼっち』の状態から脱却しなければというのが本音だろう」と分析している。
  12. Bit far from inland China, probably. Not sure I'd be able to do this myself.
  13. Sunny again down there?! Funny, it's snowing here. Actually no.
  14. Can't see why there is a fuss made over it.
  15. OK I had a can just now. My review, in full: Nothing special.
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