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About huckster

  • Rank
    SJ'er with 10+ posts
  1. I've only been to Hakkoda so far. This is my first year of skiing in Japan. It's been a very enjoyable year. Next year my bra Plucky will be healthy and ready to ski big time! Hopefully next year we'll be able to hit Niseko. I'm still planning on skiing Hakkoda a few more times...if anyone wants to go give me a holler. Ski-On! Ripper
  2. I have these Atlas shoes and I've been shoeing all winter with em and no probs. Whatever the snow shoe...enjoy!
  3. That would be awesome! Pluck and I were talking about going to Iwate or other places this spring. We may go...that's if his body can hang :-) He's been banged up all year! Rip-On, Dave
  4. Until the snow melts :-) I was at Hakkoda last weekend and it rocked! It was wet pow as expected, but it was still lots of fun. My advice...keep on skiing until your body can't take it anymore! Ski-On, Ripper
  5. Ray, I'm sure we all could do something like that around the Misawa area. I recently arrived at Misawa and I'm always looking for something fun to do.
  6. I'm totally serious! That would rock. Let's go for the 22nd weekend. Would that work? I'm sure I could get my boys from Misawa to go also.
  7. When are you going? I would love to go! Let me know when you're going. Ski-On!
  8. A good place are the ads. You can find some really good deals. This year I bought my Head I.M 75's in Utah. They gave me a pretty good deal on them.
  9. I've had a few crappy days this year. Mostly from partying too much the previous night. It just drains the energy straight outta ya! You can't do anything right after your skis are all over the place :-(
  10. I'm ready for more more skiing!! I haven't been skiing now for almost 2 weeks. Hopefully I'll be back by this Sat. I'm ready to make some snowmen and what not.
  11. I would have to say Pluck is one of the best skiers I've seen in awhile. Very good for only being on his skis a few years!
  12. How's the snow up in Hakkoda and surrounding areas? I'm currently TDY to Okinawa. I'm enjoying the temps here, but can't wait to ski again. I'll be back next week for more rippin'!
  13. Did someone say beer? Where is it at? Nice cold brewskis make you do 920's from time to time :-) I guess I better start drinking more so I'll be able to knock those mothers out then!! Rip em' if you got em!!
  14. I feel the slopes should have some sort of dog daycare. I think it would be a really good idea. What If you wanted to go skiing all weekend and didn't want to leave your pet home alone? Let me know what you all think. Ski ON!
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