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Everything posted by jared

  1. It would just be better if all the the easily accessible areas that lots of people ski were controlled properly then avalanches would not be an issue for holiday makers in Japan - but thats an entirely different can of worms I don't want to open.
  2. just heard he got caught up on some rocks going over a cliff and then went over head first onto rocks...
  3. oh that sucks. Wonder if it had anything to do with his head injury a while ago. He always seemed so sensible and normal compared to Tanner Hall and his mates.
  4. just to be clear I am not advocating not having gear - I am against making it compulsory and dishing it out to everyone on the hill regardless of whether they can use it or not. Gear without training almost useless.
  5. I would argue that compulsory equipment carrying would result in more deaths. Then every punter on the hill would think that they were invincible and that there is nowhere they should not go because they have got a magical battery operated device that will save them from avalanches. You would see more people, emboldened by their "equipment", but with no real idea charging off into the real BC and getting into trouble. Also imagine trying to do a beacon search for your mate when you have 20 punters carrying rented equipment standing around that don’t know they should have their beacons swi
  6. Originally Posted By: Go Native I do love to see Aussies jumping over each other trying to show just how incredibly responsible they are. It's ever so much fun. All hail the nanny state in all it's glory!! what a rebel!
  7. If you don't find any spray then you can use a teaspoon of baking soda every day for a few days. It kills the bacteria that make the smell.
  8. "Must have very very short legs" that connect directly to the abdomin...
  9. I was wondering what could be American about an ESB which would be more of an English style. They could have used american hops. Was the fruityness a citrus/pine/grapefruit type fruityness? or perhaps the beer just doesn't believe in socilized medicine.
  10. Temp control is no trouble, I have that gear for beer brewing. Is Doburoku good or just easy to make because you dont have to filter it? We are lucky in NZ with respect to legality of brewing. It's not even legel in some states in the US. We are allowed to distill here too which I understand you can't do in many places.
  11. apparantly (if you believe things you read on the internet) even though homebrewing sake is illegal it is fairly widespread in Japan though the quality suffers as its harder to get proper ingredients/yeast because of its legal status.
  12. Quote: "If you take a step back and have a look at racism on a grand scale. Using the Jewish holocaust at one end of the scale and some taunting and name calling with very rare outbreaks of violence in the Australian suburbs at the other, then I don't think we really have a problem" I don’t think that "taunting name calling and a little violence" is the "other end of the scale". I would say that’s just about where it all starts getting really nasty. There are lots of more subtle forms of racism that would fit onto a racism scale before that. You don’t have to be calling people n
  13. It's a bit random but I'll just ask and see, has anyone here made Sake? I got given a packet of Koji spores so I have been looking into it - seems like there are a few different methods from basic to much more involved for different styles of sake. Can anyone reccomend a method - or - is there a particular style of sake you think is better than the rest that I should try and make?
  14. I was gonna dredge up the old beer thread but seen it was called Beer 2009 I guess we need a new one. Beer I am Drinking.. I got some Firestone Walker Pale 31. I love it, I just wish there was a little more hop bitterness to go with the massive hop flavour. also had Leffe Blonde and La Trappe Blonde. The Leffe was slightler bigger in body and flavour but otherwise they could have been the same beer. Both good but dangerously easy to drink for 7% beers.
  15. A 1979 Skoda. The engine was in the back and the boot was in the front. Great for filling up with car audio as there was a good sized space behind the back seats for subs and room under the back seats for amps. Mine was yellow but otherwise pretty similar to the one in the pic.
  16. shit sounds bad.... try and tell them when they are at home so they dont have to try and drive or go through a public area to get home.
  17. I was delighted to find the local craft brew bar had got hold of some Seara Nevada Pale Ale and Anchor Steam Beer. I'm a big fan of American Pale Ales (the style) but had until now only tried NZ brewed ones. Great to finally try one of the beers that define the style. Had also heard lots about Anchor Steam Beer and have tried making it so it was good to see what it is supposed to taste like. (A lot better than the one I made which I didn't care for at all)
  18. I can assure you that NZ has many, many examples of bad beer. The national style is bland awful adjunct larger dressed as ale. There are however some good beers being brewed such as Epic and Emersons (see ratebeer.com)
  19. Just to be clear though - by warm I mean 13 degrees (English Pub Cellar Temp). If you have ever swam in 13 degree water it's not that warm. It's not like I'm microwaving it before I drink it. " my, does Autumn not bring joy?" Hard to answer that question in the affirmative. Yes, autumn does not bring joy. No, autumn does not bring joy. It sure does though, cold, crisp and full of the promise of winter.
  20. Only good beer tastes better when it warms up - which is why most people like their beer super cold - so that they cant taste the awful beer they drink.
  21. Stemik, The best beer is the one you enjoy drinking the most.
  22. I had Wadworth Bishops Tipple last night for the first time. Very drinkable for a "strong ale", low bitterness but enough hops to make it pleasant. Final verdict though is I wont buy it again - for $8 I can get great beers (or ones I haven't tried that might be great) without buying ones that are only good. I have in my fridge a Belhaven Twisted Thistle IPA. I have had it a few times and will buy it again. Scottish Malty sweetness mixed with (American?) cascade hops. A bit of a mixed style but in the end it just tastes great.
  23. Budwiser is 80% rice and only 20% malt. In many countries they would not be allowed to sell it as "beer". Dissapointingly I tried some Greene King IPA. I was expecting an IPA i.e bitter, hoppy and on the stronger side. What I got had very little in the way of hops and not much on the malt side either. At just 3.5% I dont think they should be calling it an IPA.
  24. Originally Posted By: snowbender Some of the justifications provided here just make me want to if you want to you definately should It looks like fun.
  25. Originally Posted By: thursday Alcohol. You comparing that with crack, coke, heroin? Not even on the same planet. Not as far away as you would think. Consider the effects - consumption can leave you lying in the gutter vomiting, unconsciousness and potentially death; and it’s addictive. How does that compare to the "worst" drugs. Most dangerous drugs Research recently published in the medical journal The Lancet rates the most dangerous drugs (starting with the worst) as follows: 1. Heroin 2. Cocaine 3. Barbiturates 4. Street methadone 5. Alcohol 6. Ketamine 7. Ben
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