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Dr Hfuhruhurr

SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by Dr Hfuhruhurr

  1. The Mightly El Insecto I used to have a Hollywoodian but decided to start shaving.
  2. I go to the gym 3 times a week and jog twice a week. Keeping me in decent shape.
  3. Anyone else here not like coffee? Funny, often I go to meetings and before you can say anything, yep, the cup of coffee arrives in front of you! You'd think they would ask first, but oftentimes there is no asking and it just arrives. One Japanese friend told me that even though I don't like coffee I should still drink it!
  4. That guy in the background (the beared non fat one) is really into it. Sexy chicks too.
  5. Quote: Who do you reckon is/was the best Dr Who? While I prefer some of the old stories (rose tinted glasses?), I really liked the way Christopher Eccleston played him. Much more than David Tennant.
  6. I listen to the radio most of the day and hear new stuff that way. Americal Idol?! A joke, surely?
  7. First one was some small place in Biwako. Not much snow wasn't the best first impression. A bit further afield and things started to look much better.
  8. I love the region, my favorite. Best place for me is Zao. Sure you'll have a good trip. Any further plans then?
  9. Never been, isn't it a family restaurant type place?
  10. The one in Hakuba gets pretty busy doesn't it?
  11. You know when you dudes are riding the powder, or whatever you say, anytime you ever get stuck you're in too deep? Whats the deepest you've been?
  12. Terrorism maybe decrease? I can see it only increasing. Unfortunately.
  13. yo-nige hey? A bar in a London bus? Crazy. Here's to more bars and more fun off the slopes.
  14. So much stuff is better the next day, agreed on chilli but not tried it on toast with a fried egg?! Pizza is great too, had one the other night - yesterdays breakfast. Very nice.
  15. I actually bought one of them Sonys a couple of weeks back. PEGNX70V to be exact, the one in the photo. It's a great little machine, looks sweet and beautiful screen - best I have ever seen on a PDA. The camera (takes pics and even video) is better than can be expected, and I have it hooked up so I can download mail and browse the web too. I like gadgets anyway, but this is a very very nice one. Expect to pay around 50,000 yen for it though
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