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Posts posted by Karnidge

  1. I actually phoned them (solicitor) and spoke to a human in English... and yes, I've had the delivery person taking the tax as well here.


    That's fine, sunrise. But it's hardly top class solicitor work is it?


    And as I and a few others have said, when you get a bill and you don't know what it's for - at all - why should you pay it?


    Sorry, I'm just going to ignore it. They can get their top flight lawyers onto me.

  2. The bill is for the consumption tax on the `imported' item. If you don't pay it, I assume the carrier gets stuck for the tab (doubt very much the tax office just says ``oh, well nevermind'').


    If they explained that in the invoice they sent, and exactly what the invoice was for, I might be more inclined to pay it.

  3. Anyone else ever bought something from overseas and then a couple of weeks later received post from Fed Ex asking for a seemingly random amount of money?


    I've had 3 'reminders' now, but no intention of paying - mostly because they don't even clearly say what the damn bill is for. Presumably some import tax related stuff.



  4. Just a heads up to other people who like me until today might have ignored 'points' and stuff on Visa or other credit cards.


    I just phoned up and claimed 8000 yen worth of Amazon gift cards through points I had got over the last year or however long.


    Feel a bit :doh:


    Worth a shufty.

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