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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by peterson

  1. Just took a look. The ones that really annoy are flash ads that appear OVER THE TOP OF WHAT YOU'RE TRYING TO READ now I really hate them.
  2. What was the question again..... ? You saying you don't like them?
  3. I'm with you there. Makes for a screwed up life in more than a lot of cases, however sad that may be.
  4. What is it with brands then? Japanese seem to take it to an extreme. Are you into brands or not? A generalisation of course, but an interesting subject for sure. I usually go by quality not a brand. Sometimes they go hand in hand of course. Other times not.
  5. My Japanese friend has a golden retriever and that dog is one happy happy dog.
  6. I have a strong filter on my hotmail account. it gets about 150 mails a day, the inbox gets about 10 - 8 or 9 of which are junk. Time for Yahoo perhaps.
  7. I'm not sure I could cope with the cuteness.
  8. Robin Cook Invasion. Picked it up at the airport over summer and just going through it now. Very lightweight reading.
  9. I was wondering that. Does the sport have an identity crisis? When someone says "rugby", what are they referring to - union or league?
  10. "When England took the field to warm-up, the sound system suddenly started to play...the Birdie Song." >> was that intentional then?
  11. Go Ireland! I'm enjoying this. Who are we all going for the title?
  12. I am just watching the news here and a quote "addiction is a chronic brain disease." That doesn't sound too good does it now?
  13. DOn't drink the water - and be careful when you're drunk not to do it! My friend was pissed one night and came back to his room...... needed water but the bottled stuff was out. So he 'thinks' he then proceeded to drink gallons of tap water. He came back and was ill for about 10 days.
  14. What exactly do you need it for, oblivion? I have only ever needed 1 of them if I remember correctly.
  15. The number of times I have been told off for doing that
  16. 1st year was a blast, but a lot of things needed to be sorted out - 2nd year when you're a bit settled down is good.
  17. I haven't seen it for ages, but used to like it. Are they still making it?
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